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Meiszner, Andreas, Glott, Rüdiger and Sowe, Sulayman K., Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) Communities as an Example of successful Open Participatory Learning Ecosystems. The European Journal for the Informatics Professional, UPGRADE, (3),  4.04 248  
Vertesy, Daniel, Annoni, Paola and Nardo, Michela, (2013). University Systems: Beyond League Tables. Engines of Growth or Ivory Towers?. Higher Education Evaluation and Development, (1), 21-43  4.04 352  
Vertesy, Daniel, The lion with wings: Innovation system dynamics in the aerospace industry of Singapore. International Journal of Technology and Globalisation, (1-2),  4.04 260  
Iizuka, Michiko and Katz, Jorge, Natural Resource Industries, 'Tragedy of the Commons' and the Case of Chilean Salmon Farming. International Journal of Institutions and Economies, (2),  4.04 188 689
Wang, Lili and Szirmai, Adam, Capital inputs in the Chinese economy: Estimates for the total economy, industry and manufacturing. China Economic Review, (1),  4.04 265  
Ramani, Shyama V., SadreGhazi, Shuan and Duysters, Geert, On the diffusion of toilets as Bottom of the Pyramid innovation: Lessons from sanitation entrepreneurs. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, (4),  4.04 322  
Goedhuys, Micheline, Learning, product innovation and firm heterogeneity in developing countries, evidence from Tanzania. Industrial and Corporate Change,  4.04 230  
Goedhuys, Micheline, Janz, Norbert and Mohnen, Pierre, Knowledge-based productivity in “low-tech” industries: evidence from firms in developing countries. Industrial and Corporate Change,  4.04 193   0
Goedhuys, Micheline and Veugelers, Reinhilde, Innovation Strategies, Process and Product Innovations and Growth: Firm-Level Evidence from Brazil. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics,  4.04 314  
Wang, Lili, Notten, Ad and Surpatean, Alex, Interdisciplinarity of nano research fields: A keyword mining approach. Scientometrics, (3),  4.04 218  
Chattopadhyay, Sutapa, Adivasi Insurgencies and Power in Colonial India. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies,  4.04 190 163
Jacob, Jojo, Belderbos, René and Gilsing, Victor, Technology alliances in emerging economies: persistence and interrelation in European firms’ alliance formation. R&D Management,  4.04 198   0
Reinstaller, Andreas and Sanditov, Bulat, Social structure and consumption: on the diffusion of consumer good innovation. Journal of Evolutionary Economics,  4.04 225  
Reinstaller, Andreas and Sanditov, Bulat, Social structure and consumption: on the diffusion of consumer good innovation. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, (5),  4.04 235  
Hagedoorn, John, Cloodt, Danielle A. M. and van Kranenburg, Hans, (2004). Intellectual property rights and the governance of international R&D partnerships. Journal of International Business Studies, (2), 1-12  4.04 783  
Sleuwaegen, Leo and Goedhuys, Micheline, (2003). Technical efficiency, market share and profitability of manufacturing firms in Côte d'Ivoire: a technology trap?. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1-16  4.04 628  
Sleuwaegen, Leo and Goedhuys, Micheline, (2002). Growth of firms in developing countries, evidence from Côte d’Ivoire. Journal of Development Economics, N/A-N/A  4.04 715  
Akçomak, Semih and ter Weel, Bas, (2009). Social capital, innovation and growth: Evidence from Europe. European Economic Review, 53(5), 544-567  4.04 1291  
Buligescu, Bianca, De Crombrugghe, Denis, Mentesoglu, Gülçin and Montizaan, Raymond, (2009). Panel Estimates of the Wage Penalty for Maternal Leave. Oxford Economic Papers, (1), 35-55  4.04 467  
Atamanov, Aziz and Van den Berg, Marrit, (2012). Participation and returns in rural nonfarm activities: evidence from the Kyrgyz Republic. Agricultural Economics, 43(4), 459-471  4.04 559   0
McKenzie, David and Siegel, Melissa, Eliciting illegal migration rates through list randomization. Migration Studies,  4.04 273  
Muñiz Castillo, Mirtha R. and Gasper, Des, (2012). Human Autonomy Effectiveness and Development Projects. Oxford Development Studies, (1), 49-67  4.04 568   0
Filippov, Sergey, Russia’s Emerging Multinationals. Journal of Strategic Management Education, (3-4),  4.04 207  
Filippov, Sergey and Costa, Ionara, Go East? Multinational Companies in the Czech Life Sciences. Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology, (2),  4.04 307  
Costa, Ionara and Filippov, Sergey, Foreign-owned subsidiaries: a neglected nexus between foreign direct investment, industrial and innovation policies. Science and Public Policy, (6),  4.04 311  
Benavente, Jose Miguel and Lauterbach, Rodolfo, (2006). Technological Innovation and Employment: Complements or Substitutes?. The European Journal of Development Research, (2), n/a-n/a  4.04 458  
Godlewski, Christophe J., Sanditov, Bulat and Burger-Helmchen, Thierry, (2012). Bank lending networks, experience, reputation, and borrowing costs: Empirical evidence from the French syndicated lending market. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, (1), 113-140  4.04 817  
Naudé, Wim, Entrepreneurship and Human Development: A Capability Approach. Journal of Public Economics, (3),  4.04 202  
Lissoni, Francesco, Llerena, Patrick, McKelvey, Maureen and Sanditov, Bulat, Academic Patenting in Europe: New Evidence from the KEINS Database. Research Evaluation, (2),  4.04 282  
Sowe, Sulayman K., Stamelos, Ioannis and Angelis, Lefteris, (2008). Understanding knowledge sharing activities in free/open source software projects: An empirical study. Journal of Systems and Software, (3), 431-446  4.04 526  
Sowe, Sulayman K. and Stamelos, Ioannis, Involving Software Engineering Students in Open Source Software Projects: Experiences from a Pilot Study. Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE), (4),  4.04 219  
Sowe, Sulayman K., Angelis, Lefteris and Stamelos, Ioannis, (2006). Identifying Knowledge Brokers that Yield Software Engineering Knowledge in OSS Projects. Information and Software Technology, 1025-1033  4.04 527  
Atamanov, Aziz and Van den Berg, Marrit, (2012). International labour migration and local rural activities in the Kyrgyz Republic: determinants and trade-offs. Central Asian Survey, 31(12), 119-136  4.04 549   0
Settas, Dimitris, Sowe, Sulayman K. and Stamelos, Ioannis, Addressing Software Project Management Antipattern Ontology Similarity Using Semantic Social Networks. The Knowledge Engineering Review, (3),  4.04 238   0
Gebreeyesus, Mulu and Mohnen, Pierre, (2013). Innovation Performance and Embeddedness in networks: Evidence from the Ethiopian Footwear Cluster. World Development, 302-316  4.04 836   0
Akçomak, Semih and ter Weel, Bas, (2012). The impact of social capital on crime: Evidence from the Netherlands. Regional Science and Urban Economics, (1), 323-340  4.04 1425   0
Ramani, Shyama V. and Mukherjee, Vivekananda, R&D Cooperation, Asymmetric Technological Capabilities and Rationale for Technology Parks. Theory and Decision, (71),  4.04 166   0
Akçomak, Semih, Borghans, Lex and ter Weel, Bas, (2011). Measuring and interpreting trends in the division of labour in the Netherlands. De Economist, (4), 435-482  4.04 1373   0
Tomini, Sonila, Groot, Wim and Pavlova, Milena, (2011). Paying informally in the Albanian health care sector: a two-tiered stochastic frontier model. European Journal of Health Econnomics, 777-788  4.04 433   0
Dobbelaere, Sabien and Mairesse, Jacques, (2011). Panel data estimates of the production function and product and labor market imperfections. Journal of Applied Economics, 1-46  4.04 714   0
Naudé, Wim, (2010). The Global Economic Crisis and Developing Countries: Impacts, Responses and Options for Sustainable Recovery. Poverty & Public Policy, (2), 211-235  4.04 556  
Rousseva, Rossitza, Identifying technological capabilities with different degree of coherence: The challenge to achieve high technological sophistication in latecomer software companies (based on the Bulgarian case). Technological Forecasting and Social Change, (75),  4.04 184  
Engel, Nora and Bijker, Wiebe E., (2012). Innovating Tuberculosis Control in India. Economic & Political Weekly, (4), 111-118  4.04 472  
Kalotay, Kálmán and Filippov, Sergey, The Global Economic Crisis and Foreign Subsidiaries in New EU Member Countries. AIB Insights, (3),  4.04 190  
Duysters, Geert, Jacob, Jojo, Lemmens, Charmianne and Jintian, Yu, (2009). Internationalization and technological catching up of emerging multinationals: a comparative case study of China's Haier group. Industrial and Corporate Change, 325-349  4.04 933  
Keats, Derek and Schmidt, Jan Philipp, (2007). The genesis and emergence of Education 3.0 in higher education and its potential for Africa. First Monday, (3), N/A-N/A  4.04 478  
Basu, Sudip Ranjan, Freire Junior, Clovis, Puapan, Pisit and Tateno, Yusuke, (2013). Euro zone debt crisis: Scenario analysis and implications for developing Asia-Pacific. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, (1), 1-25  4.04 523  
Goedhuys, Micheline and Sleuwaegen, Leo, (2013). The impact of international standards certification on the performance of firms in less developed countries. World Development, N/A-N/A  4.04 771  
Naudé, Wim, Global Finance After the Crisis: Reform Imperatives and Vested Interests. Global Economy Journal, (2),  4.04 204  
Naudé, Wim, Entrepreneurship, Structural Change and a Global Economic Crisis. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, (3),  4.04 199