Search Results (isMemberOf:"UNU:1219", Author ID:"Wintjes, René")

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Wintjes, René (2009). Twinning for Good Practice Transfer, synthesizing results and lessons.  8.57 594  
Fairweather, John, Wintjes, René, Williams, Julian, Rinne, Tiffany and Nauwelaers, Claire (2010). Comparison of Innovation Policies in selected European, Asian, and Pacific Rim Countries: How best to optimise Innovation Governance in New Zealand?. N/A.  8.57 760  
Nauwelaers, Claire and Wintjes, René (2009). Monitoring progress towards the ERA (European Research Area).  8.57 671  
Wintjes, René (2009). Analysing and Evaluating the Impact on Innovation of Publicly-Funded Research Programmes.  8.57 822  
Wintjes, René, Dunnewijk, Theo and Hollanders, Hugo (2002). ICT Monitor Vlaanderen: Eindrapport van een haalbaarheidsstudie.  8.57 710  
Wintjes, René and Dunnewijk, Theo (2008). Sectoral Innovation Systems in Europe: the case of the ICT sector.  8.57 751  
Walendowski, Jacek, Kroll, Henning, Stahlecker, Thomas, Baier, Elisabeth, Wintjes, René and Hollanders, Hugo (2010). Innovation patterns and innovation policy in European regions - trends, challenges and perspectives. UNU-MERIT.  8.57 756  
Wintjes, René and Nauwelaers, Claire (2008). Avaliação do impacto na inovação de programas voltados à excelência em pesquisa e o desenvolvimento regional: como descentralizar a "estratégia de Lisboa" e elaborar conjuntos de políticas de inovação coerentes?.  8.57 874  
Wintjes, René (2006). Strategic Evaluation on Innovation and the knowledge based economy in relation to the Structural and Cohesion Funds, for the programming period 2007-2013 : The Netherlands.  8.57 657  
Wintjes, René (2009). Peer Review among innovation agencies, synthesizing pilot results and lessons.  8.57 651  
Dunnewijk, Theo, Hollanders, Hugo and Wintjes, René (2004). Knowledge-Index South Netherlands.  8.57 721 155
Kroll, Henning, Baier, Elisabeth, Heijs, Joost, Hollanders, Hugo, Schricke, Esther, Stahlecker, Thomas and Wintjes, René (2011). Development of a methodology for the profiling of regional economies. n/a.  8.57 786  
Braun, Annette, Grimm, Vera, Korte, Sabine, Rijkers-Defrasne, Sylvie and Wintjes, René (2011). Innovation and industrial policy. N/A.  8.57 671  
Wintjes, René (2007). Monitoring and analysis of policies and public financing instruments conducive to higher levels of R&D investments; The "POLICY MIX" Project. Regional case study of North-Brabant (NL).  8.57 867 363