Search Results (Author ID:"Mohnen, Pierre", isMemberOf:"UNU:532", Author:"Mohnen, Pierre", Keywords:"Productivity")

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Mohnen, Pierre and Hall, Bronwyn (2013). Innovation and productivity: An update. UNU-MERIT.  8.27 733 1938
Ghali, Sofiane and Mohnen, Pierre (2010). Economic restructuring and total factor productivity growth: Tunisia over the period 1983-2001. UNU-MERIT.  7.73 872 284
Mairesse, Jacques and Mohnen, Pierre (2010). Using innovation surveys for econometric analysis. UNU-MERIT.  7.73 771 962
van Leeuwen, George and Mohnen, Pierre (2013). Revisiting the porter hypothesis: An empirical analysis of green innovation for the Netherlands. UNU-MERIT.  7.37 753  
Goedhuys, Micheline, Janz, Norbert and Mohnen, Pierre (2006). What drives productivity in Tanzanian manufacturing firms: technology or institutions?. UNU-MERIT.  7.32 842 267
Goedhuys, Micheline, Janz, Norbert and Mohnen, Pierre (2008). Knowledge-based productivity in ‘low-tech’ industries: evidence from firms in developing countries. UNU-MERIT.  6.90 806  
Polder, Michael, van Leeuwen, George, Mohnen, Pierre and Raymond, Wladimir (2010). Product, process and organizational innovation: drivers, complementarity and productivity effects. UNU-MERIT.  6.85 1263 1125
Raymond, Wladimir, Mairesse, Jacques, Mohnen, Pierre and Palm, Franz (2013). Dynamic models of R&D, innovation and productivity: Panel data evidence for Dutch and French manufacturing. UNU-MERIT.  6.64 883 353
Raymond, Wladimir, Mohnen, Pierre, Palm, Franz and Schim van der Loeff, Sybrand (2009). Innovative Sales, R&D and Total Innovation Expenditures: Panel Evidence on their Dynamics. UNU-MERIT.  6.17 720 175