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Cloodt, Danielle A. M. and Hagedoorn, John, "The role of developing countries and emerging economies in international inter-firm R&D partnering" in Transnational corporations and economic development: from internationalization to globalization ed. Cuyvers, L. and F. de Beule ().  4.84 236  
Wu, Treena, "The Role of Remittances in Crises: An Aceh Research Study" in Migration and Remittances: Global Experiences ().  4.84 218  
"Serving Low-income Markets: Rethinking MNCs strategies, in “Multinationals and Emerging Economies: the Quest for Innovation and Sustainability”, (eds.), Edward Elgar, London, forthcoming 2009 , with Geert Dusyters" in Multinationals and Emerging Economies: the Quest for Innovation and Sustainability ed. G. Duysters, W. Dolfsma and I. Costa ().  4.84 165  
Oman, Charles and Arndt, Christiane, "La mesure de la gouvernance" in La gouvernance démocratique : Un nouveau paradigme pour le développement? ed. Magro, Hervé and Bellina, Séverine (n/a: n/a, 2008), n/a-n/a.  4.84 572  
Dunnewijk, Theo, Hollanders, Hugo and Wintjes, René, "Benchmarking Regions in the Enlarged Europe: Diversity in Knowledge Potential and Policy Options" in Innovation Policy in Europe ed. C. Nauwelaers and R. Wintjes ().  4.84 233  
Freire Junior, Clovis, Wang, Yichun, Renault, Thomas and Smit, Jan, "Tracking the MDGs – trends and prospects" in Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in an Era of Global Uncertainty (Tokyo: United Nations University, 2009), 9-25.  4.84 577 61
Akçomak, Semih, "Incubators as tool for entrepreneurship promotion in developing countries" in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Development ed. Naude, W., Szirmai, E. and Goedhuys, M ().  4.84 179  
Atamanov, Aziz and Mogilevsky, Roman, "Remittances and Their Impact on Macroeconomic Situation of and Financial Sector Development in the Kyrgyz Republic" in Spatial Disparities and Development Policy ed. G.Kochendorfer-Lucius and B.Plescovic ().  4.84 200  
Baark, Erik, "The Development of Innovative Capacity in Hong Kong" in Greater China's Quest for Innovation ed. Henry S. Rowen, Marguerite Gong Hancock and William F. Miller ().  4.84 170  
Filippov, Sergey, "Rethinking Democracy and Security in the Caucasus" in Democratization and Security in Central and Eastern Europe and the Post-Soviet States ed. Kathrin Brockmann and David Bosold ().  4.84 458  
Freire Junior, Clovis, Vega Orozco, Linda, Hasan, Shaina and Sirimanne, Shamika, "Chapter 1: Resilience to shocks" in Theme Study on Building Resilience to Natural Disasters and Major Economic Crises (N/A: N/A, 2013), 2-33.  4.84 498 108
SadreGhazi, Shuan and Duysters, Geert, "Serving Low-income Markets: Rethinking MNCs strategies" in Multinationals and Emerging Economies: the Quest for Innovation and Sustainability ed. G. Duysters, W. Dolfsma and I. Costa ().  4.84 218  
Yousefzadeh, Sepideh, Mideros Mora, Andres and de Neubourg, Chris, "Multidimensional deprivation among children in Iran" in Global child poverty and well-being. Measurement, concepts, policy and action ed. Minujin, A. and S. Nandy (Bristol: Policy Press at the University of Bristol, 2012), 325-356.  4.84 512 175
Freire Junior, Clovis, "Chapter 3: Living with high commodity prices" in Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2012 ().  4.84 177  
Tacsir, Ezequiel, Nemirovsky, Adolfo and Yoguel, Gabriel, "Mexico and Argentina: Diaspora Search Networks Interacting with Home Countries—Contrasts and Similarities" in How Can Talent Abroad Induce Development at Home? Towards a Pragmatic Diaspora Agenda ed. Yevgeny Kuznetsov ().  4.84 197  
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando, "Developing Countries Facing the Trial of Internationalising Clinical Trials, with Some Evidence from Mexico" in Multinationals and emerging economies: The quest for innovation ed. Wilfred Dolfsma, Geert Duysters and Ionara Costa ().  4.84 173  
Jacob, Jojo and Soete, Luc, "Emerging Knowledge Economies" in Multinationals and Emerging Economies: The Quest for Innovation and Sustainability ed. Dolfsma, W., Duysters, G. and Costa, I. ().  4.84 229  
Bell, John and Lemmens, Charmianne, "Alliantievaardigheden als Kerncompetentie- een Verdiepende Case Study" in Ondernemen in Allianties en Netwerken – Een Multidisciplinair Perspectief ed. Jaap Boonstra ().  4.84 219  
Costa, Ionara, Doranova, Asel and Eenhoorn, Geert-Jan, "Beyond the Emissions Market: Kyoto and the Internationalization of the Waste Recycling Industry" in Multinationals and Emerging Economies: The Quest for Innovation and Sustainability ed. Dolfsma, W., Duysters, G. and Costa, I. ().  4.84 231  
SadreGhazi, Shuan, "Product Innovation for Low-income Markets: Beyond making cheap goods" in Global CSR Case-book: Business and Poverty ed. ICEP and CODESPA ().  4.84 168  
Szirmai, Adam, "Explaining Success and Failure in Development" in World Economic Performance, Past, Present and Future ed. D.S. Prasada Rao and B. van Ark ().  4.84 236  
Roman, Amelia, Bejerot, Eva and Arundel, Anthony, "Measuring the dynamics of organisations and work: employer-level survey" in The MEADOW Guidelines ed. European Commission (Grigny, France: Domigraphic, 2013), n/a-n/a.  4.84 716 67
Dunnewijk, Theo and Meijers, Huub, "Empirical Analysis of the Trade Position" in Internartionalsation of ICT Activities in Europe ed. B. Dachs, H. Meijers and P. Welfens ().  4.84 213  
Allan, Stephen, Amosse, Thomas, Arundel, Anthony and CEE (Centre d’Etudes de l’Emploi), "Measuring the dynamics of organisations and work: employee-level survey" in The MEADOW Guidelines ed. European Commission (n/a: n/a, 2013), n/a-n/a.  4.84 736  
Kemerink, Jeltsje, Mbuvi, Dorcas and Schwartz, Klaas, "Governance shifts in the water services sector: A case study of the Zambian water services sector" in Water services management and governance: Lessons for a sustainable future ed. Katko, T., Juuti, P. and Schwartz, Klaas (Maastricht: IWA Publishing, 2013), 1-196.  4.84 539 253
Lutz, Christian and Wiebe, Kirsten, "Identifikation und Analyse von Interdependenzen zwischen Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren anhand des GINFORS Modells" in Nachhaltige Entwicklung - Das neue Paradigma in der Ökonomie ed. Harald Hagemann and Michael von Hauff ().  4.84 207  
Filippov, Sergey and Kalotay, Kálmán, "New Europe’s Promise for Life Sciences?" in Multinationals and Emerging Economies: The Quest for Innovation and Sustainability ed. Dolfsma, W., Duysters, G. and Costa, I. ().  4.84 197  
Dunnewijk, Theo, Wintjes, René and Hollanders, Hugo, "Benchmarking Regions in the Enlarged Europe" in Innovation Policy in Europe ed. C. Nauwelaers and R. Wintjes ().  4.84 229  
Tacsir, Ezequiel, "Elección de ocupación: factores personales y aspectos sociales" in Las universidades frente a las demandas sociales y productivas-Tomo III ed. Riquelme, G. ().  4.84 173 98
Tacsir, Ezequiel and Crespi, Gustavo A., "¿Es la inversión en innovación una inversión rentable? Evidencia para América Latina" in Inversión en ciencia, tecnología e innovación. Proyectando a Costa Rica ed. Keilor Rojas Jimenez ().  4.84 181  
Mogilevsky, Roman and Atamanov, Aziz, "Technical Assistance to CIS countries" in EU Eastern Neighborhood. Economic Potential and Future Development ed. Dabrowski, M. and Maliszewska, M. ().  4.84 231  
Freire Junior, Clovis and Kumar, Nagesh, "Chapter 4: Building productive capacities of Least Developed Countries. ESCAP" in Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2011 (N/A: N/A, 2011), N/A-N/A.  4.84 615  
Freire Junior, Clovis, Ratanavong, Nokeo and Srivastava, Sanjay, "Chapter 1: Disaster risk in Asia and the Pacific. ESCAP and ISDR" in Protecting Development Gains (N/A: N/A, 2010), 1-16.  4.84 635  
Freire Junior, Clovis, Isgut, Alberto E., Wang, Ying and Hasan, Aynul, "Chapter 1: Costing the MDG gaps" in Financing inclusive and green future: Supportive financial system for achieving MDGs in Asia-Pacific (N/A: College of Europe, United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies, 2010), 1-22.  4.84 654 337
Kuschminder, Katherine, Andersson, Lisa and Siegel, Melissa, "Profiling Ethiopian migration: A comparison of characteristics of Ethiopian migrants to Africa, the Middle East and the North" in Crossing African borders: Migration and mobility ed. Cristina Udelsmann Rodrigues ().  4.84 213  
Meiszner, Andreas, Stamelos, Ioannis and Sowe, Sulayman K., "Designing for Participatory Learning Building from Open Source Success to Develop Free Ways to Share and Learn" in Open Source Ecosystems: Diverse Communities Interacting ed. C. Boldyreff ().  4.84 208  
Kuschminder, Katherine and Siegel, Melissa, "Diaspora Engagement and Policy in Ethiopia" in Emigration Nations ed. Michael Collyer ().  4.84 270