Search Results (Author ID:"Narula, Rajneesh", isMemberOf:"UNU:532")

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Narula, Rajneesh and Nguyen, Quyen T.K. (2011). Emerging country MNEs and the role of home countries: separating fact from irrational expectations. UNU-MERIT.  6.93 641 390
Narula, Rajneesh and Santangelo, Grazia D. (2007). Location and R&D alliances in the European ICT industry. UNU-MERIT.  6.93 428  
Narula, Rajneesh and Dunning, John (2009). Multinational enterprises, development and globalisation: Some clarifications and a research agenda. UNU-MERIT.  6.93 521 1069
Narula, Rajneesh and Guimón, José (2010). The R&D activity of multinational enterprises in peripheral economies: evidence from the EU new member states. UNU-MERIT.  6.93 614 150
Narula, Rajneesh (2010). Keeping the eclectic paradigm simple: a brief commentary and implications for ownership advantages. UNU-MERIT.  6.93 509 853
Narula, Rajneesh and Santangelo, Grazia D. (2011). New insights on the role of location advantages in international innovation. UNU-MERIT.  6.93 522 274
Narula, Rajneesh and Bellak, Christian (2008). EU enlargement and consequences for FDI assisted industrial development. UNU-MERIT.  6.93 610 444
Narula, Rajneesh (2011). Do we need different frameworks to explain infant MNEs from developing countries?. UNU-MERIT.  6.93 719 1045
Narula, Rajneesh (2013). Exploring the paradox of competence-creating subsidiaries: balancing bandwidth and dispersion in MNEs. UNU-MERIT.  6.93 568 670
Narula, Rajneesh and Jormanainen, Irina (2008). When a good science base is not enough to create competitive industries: Lock-in and inertia in Russian systems of innovation. UNU-MERIT.  6.93 510 151
Narula, Rajneesh and Michel, Julie (2009). Reverse knowledge transfer and its implications for European policy. UNU-MERIT.  6.93 472 127
Narula, Rajneesh (2013). Foreign direct investment as a driver of industrial development: why is there so little evidence?. UNU-MERIT.  6.93 529 362
Narula, Rajneesh (2009). Attracting and embedding R&D by multinational firms: policy recommendations for EU new member states. UNU-MERIT.  6.93 719 120
Narula, Rajneesh (2010). Much ado about nothing, or sirens of a brave new world? MNE activity from developing countries and its significance for development. UNU-MERIT.  6.93 567 128
Narula, Rajneesh (2013). Using a 'Systems' Perspective to Explain the Limits of 'New' Multinational Enterprises: the role of 'members-only' location advantages. UNU-MERIT.  6.93 401 91
Benito, Gabriel R.G. and Narula, Rajneesh (2007). States and Firms on the Periphery: The Challenges of a Globalising World. UNU-MERIT.  6.93 409  
Narula, Rajneesh and Prasad Kodiyat, Tiju (2013). The growth of outward FDI and the competitiveness of the underlying economy: the case of India. UNU-MERIT.  6.93 559 244