Siegel, Melissa and de Neubourg, Chris (2011). A historical perspective on immigration and social protection in the Netherlands. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
1054 |
476 |
Gassmann, Franziska (2011). Protecting vulnerable families in Central Asia: Poverty, vulnerability and the impact of the economic crisis. UNU-MERIT.
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827 |
446 |
Bilgili, Ozge and Siegel, Melissa (2011). Understanding the changing role of the Turkish diaspora. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
773 |
632 |
Sologon, Denisa Maria and O'Donoghue, Cathal (2011). Earnings Mobility in Europe: 1994-2001 - Do more flexible labour markets experience a higher earnings mobility?. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
473 |
69 |
Mupela, Evans, Mustard, Paul and Jones, Huw (2011). Telemedicine and primary health: The virtual doctor project Zambia. UNU-MERIT.
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487 |
Sulaiman, Rasheed, Hall, Andy and Reddy, T.S. Vamsidhar (2011). Missing the target: Lessons from enabling innovation in South Asia. UNU-MERIT.
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Chattopadhyay, Sutapa (2011). Socio-economic transformations of Sardar Sarovar project-affected indigenous populations and post-colonial development state. UNU-MERIT.
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Wintjes, René and Hollanders, Hugo (2011). Innovation pathways and policy challenges at the regional level: smart specialisation. UNU-MERIT.
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Gault, Fred (2011). User innovation and the market. UNU-MERIT.
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Speijcken, Renée and Bakker, Wieger (2011). The elusive quest for the golden standard: Concepts, policies and practices of accountability in development cooperation. UNU-MERIT.
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Narula, Rajneesh and Nguyen, Quyen T.K. (2011). Emerging country MNEs and the role of home countries: separating fact from irrational expectations. UNU-MERIT.
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Huang, Can and Wu, Yilin (2011). State-led technological development: A case of China's nanotechnology development. UNU-MERIT.
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545 |
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Hall, Bronwyn and Helmers, Christian (2011). Innovation and diffusion of clean/green technology: Can patent commons help?. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
640 |
987 |
Hou, Jun and Mohnen, Pierre (2011). Complementarity between in-house R&D and technology purchasing: evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
841 |
377 |
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2011). Education, training and skill development policies in Sudan: Macro-micro overview. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
532 |
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Muysken, Joan and Ziesemer, Thomas (2011). Immigration and growth in an ageing economy. UNU-MERIT.
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742 |
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Wang, Lili and Notten, Ad (2011). Mapping the interdisciplinary nature and co-evolutionary patterns in five nano-industrial sectors. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
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Waheed, Abdul (2011). Innovation and firm-level productivity: econometric evidence from Bangladesh and Pakistan. UNU-MERIT.
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Tomini, Sonila and Packard, Truman G. (2011). Are health care payments in Albania catastrophic? Evidence form ALSMS 2002, 2005 and 2008. UNU-MERIT.
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Atamanov, Aziz and Van den Berg, Marrit (2011). International migration and local employment: analysis of self-selection and earnings in Tajikistan. UNU-MERIT Working Paper Series. UNU-MERIT.
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Kilelu, Catherine W., Klerkx, Laurens, Leeuwis, Cees and Hall, Andy (2011). Beyond knowledge brokerage: An exploratory study of innovation intermediaries in an evolving smallholder agricultural system in Kenya. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
1010 |
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Gebreeyesus, Mulu and Mohnen, Pierre (2011). Innovation performance and embeddedness in networks: evidence from the Ethiopian footwear cluster. UNU-MERIT.
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Schuering, Esther (2011). Preferences for conditioning and being conditioned - experimental & survey evidence from Zambia. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
431 |
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Mukherjee, Vivekananda and Ramani, Shyama V. (2011). Voluntary agreements and community development as CSR in innovation strategies. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
795 |
325 |
Mbuvi, Dorcas and Tarsim, Achraf (2011). Managerial ownership and urban water utilities efficiency in Uganda. UNU-MERIT.
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465 |
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Doranova, Asel, Costa, Ionara and Duysters, Geert (2011). Absorptive capacity in technological learning in clean development mechanism projects. UNU-MERIT.
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1021 |
407 |
Fransen, Sonja and Siegel, Melissa (2011). The Development of Diaspora Engagement Policies in Burundi and Rwanda. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
735 |
438 |
Kuschminder, Katherine and Siegel, Melissa (2011). Understanding Ethiopian diaspora engagement policy. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
787 |
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Hercog, Metka and Siegel, Melissa (2011). Engaging the diaspora in India. UNU-MERIT.
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787 |
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Kingiri, Ann and Hall, Andy (2011). Dynamics of biosciences regulation and opportunities for biosciences innovation in Africa: Exploring regulatory policy brokering. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
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Atamanov, Aziz and Van den Berg, Marrit (2011). Microeconomic analysis of rural nonfarm activities in the Kyrgyz Republic: What determines participation and returns?. UNU-MERIT Working Paper Series. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
505 |
232 |
Hall, Andy (2011). Putting agricultural research into use: Lessons from contested visions of innovation. UNU-MERIT.
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748 |
226 |
Narula, Rajneesh and Santangelo, Grazia D. (2011). New insights on the role of location advantages in international innovation. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
522 |
274 |
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2011). Estimating the rate of return to education in Sudan. UNU-MERIT.
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514 |
195 |
Sleutjes, Bart and Beckers, Pascal (2011). Exploring the role of the neighbourhood in firm relocation: differences between stayers and movers. UNU-MERIT.
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542 |
309 |
Muysken, Joan and Ziesemer, Thomas (2011). Immigration and growth in an ageing economy - version 2. UNU-MERIT.
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Baltazar Zita, Júlia Eva and Hermíneo Lopes, Avelino (2011). User innovation in the business enterprise sector of Maputo Province in Mozambique. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
416 |
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Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2011). The Use and Economic Impacts of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Sudan. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
417 |
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Narula, Rajneesh (2011). Do we need different frameworks to explain infant MNEs from developing countries?. UNU-MERIT.
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1045 |
Ziesemer, Thomas (2011). Country terms of trade: Trends, unit roots, over-differencing, endogeneity, time dummies, and heterogeneity. UNU-MERIT.
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843 |
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Iizuka, Michiko and Soete, Luc (2011). Catching up in the 21st century: Globalization, knowledge & capabilities in Latin America, a case for natural resource based activities. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
1025 |
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Hercog, Metka and Siegel, Melissa (2011). Promoting return and circular migration of the highly skilled. UNU-MERIT.
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785 |
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Ritzen, Jo (2011). A renaissance for social mobility and its significance for the bridge towards postsecondary education. UNU-MERIT.
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1112 |
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Szirmai, Adam and Verspagen, Bart (2011). Manufacturing and Economic Growth in Developing Countries, 1950-2005. UNU-MERIT.
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David, Paul A. (2011). Mitigating 'anticommons' harms to research in science and technology. UNU-MERIT.
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Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2011). The use and economic impacts of ICT at the macro-micro levels in the Arab Gulf countries. UNU-MERIT.
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439 |
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Daems, Rutger, Maes, Edith and Ramani, Shyama V. (2011). Global Framework for differential pricing of pharmaceuticals. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
996 |
280 |
Ritzen, Jo and Soete, Luc (2011). Research, higher education and innovation: redesigning multi-level governance within Europe in a period of crisis. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
797 |
437 |
Ziesemer, Thomas (2011). What Changes Gini Coefficients of Education? On the dynamic interaction between education, its distribution and growth. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
785 |
179 |
Waheed, Abdul (2011). Size, competition, and innovative activities: a developing world perspective. UNU-MERIT.
3.28 |
445 |
110 |