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Lokshin, Boris and Mohnen, Pierre (2012). Do R&D tax incentives lead to higher wages for R&D workers? Evidence from the Netherlands. UNU-MERIT.  4.11 928 575
Polder, Michael, van Leeuwen, George, Mohnen, Pierre and Raymond, Wladimir (2010). Product, process and organizational innovation: drivers, complementarity and productivity effects. UNU-MERIT.  4.11 1326 1176
Qu, Zhe, Huang, Can, Zhang, Mingqian and Zhao, Yanyun (2007). R&D offshoring and technology learning in emerging economies: Firm-level evidence from the ICT industry. UNU-MERIT.  3.82 498 104
Hou, Jun and Mohnen, Pierre (2011). Complementarity between in-house R&D and technology purchasing: evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms. UNU-MERIT.  3.82 829 369
Narula, Rajneesh and Santangelo, Grazia D. (2007). Location and R&D alliances in the European ICT industry. UNU-MERIT.  3.82 423  
Duysters, Geert and Lokshin, Boris (2007). Determinants of alliance portfolio complexity and its effect on innovative performance of companies. UNU-MERIT.  3.82 938 1147
Narula, Rajneesh (2013). Exploring the paradox of competence-creating subsidiaries: balancing bandwidth and dispersion in MNEs. UNU-MERIT.  3.82 561 664
Belderbos, René, Ito, Banri and Wakasugi, Ryuhei (2008). Intra-firm Technology Transfer and R&D in Foreign Affiliates: Substitutes or Complements? Evidence from Japanese Multinational Firms. UNU-MERIT.  3.82 852 513
Lokshin, Boris, Belderbos, René and Carree, Martin (2007). The productivity effects of internal and external R&D: Evidence from a dynamic panel data model. UNU-MERIT.  3.82 749 1234
Chen, Fang and Mohnen, Pierre (2009). FDI, R&D and Innovation Output in the Chinese Automobile Industry. UNU-MERIT.  3.82 815 374
Huang, Can and Wu, Yilin (2010). Sure bet or scientometric mirage? An assessment of Chinese progress in nanotechnology. UNU-MERIT.  3.82 514 173
Mohnen, Pierre, Mairesse, Jacques and Dagenais, Marcel J. (2006). Innovativity: A comparison across seven European countries. UNU-MERIT.  3.82 821 288
Azomahou, Théophile T., Diene, Bity and Diene, Mbaye (2009). Technology frontier, labor productivity and economic growth: Evidence from OECD countries. UNU-MERIT.  3.82 769 224
Busom, Isabel, Corchuelo, Beatriz and Martínez-Ros, Ester (2012). Tax incentives or subsidies for R&D?. UNU-MERIT.  3.82 543 542
Arqué-Castells, Pere and Mohnen, Pierre (2012). Sunk costs, extensive R&D subsidies and permanent inducement effects. UNU-MERIT.  3.82 813 245
Toivanen, Otto (2009). Innovation Policy, Entrepreneurship, and Development: A Finnish View. UNU-MERIT.  3.73 457 290
Mairesse, Jacques and Mohnen, Pierre (2010). Using innovation surveys for econometric analysis. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 802 982
Baghana, Rufin and Mohnen, Pierre (2009). Effectiveness of R&D Tax Incentives in Small and Large Enterprises in Québec. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 728  
Huang, Can and Wu, Yilin (2011). State-led technological development: A case of China's nanotechnology development. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 532 544
Maliranta, Mika, Mohnen, Pierre and Rouvinen, Petri (2008). Is Inter-Firm Labor Mobility a Channel of Knowledge spillovers? Evidence from a Linked Employer-Employee Panel. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 815  
Mahlich, Jörg C. and Roediger-Schluga, Thomas (2006). The Determinants of Pharmaceutical R&D Expenditures: Evidence from Japan. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 379 255
Perrot, Radhika, Mosaka, David, Nokaneng, Lefentse and Sikhondze, Rita (2012). Government R&D impact on the South African macro-economy. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 583 314
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando (2010). Human resource management and learning for innovation: pharmaceuticals in Mexico. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 466  
Belderbos, René, Gilsing, Victor and Lokshin, Boris (2009). Persistence of and interrelation between horizontal and vertical technology alliances. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 812 699
Filippov, Sergey and Guimón, José (2009). From Quantity to Quality: Challenges for Investment Promotion Agencies. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 497 192
Hall, Bronwyn and Lerner, Josh (2010). The financing of R&D and innovation. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 777 2897
Akçomak, Semih, Akdeve, Erdal and Findik, Derya (2013). How do ICT firms in Turkey manage innovation? Diversity in expertise versus diversity in markets. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 519 244
Arvanitis, Spyros, Lokshin, Boris, Mohnen, Pierre and Wörter, Martin (2013). Impact of external knowledge acquisition strategies on innovation - A comparative study based on Dutch and Swiss panel data. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 804  
Kale, Dinar, Ramani, Shyama V. and Athreye, Suma (2008). Experimentation with strategy and the evolution of dynamic capability in the Indian Pharmaceutical Sector. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 945 679
Baghana, Rufin (2010). Public R&D subsidies and productivity: Evidence from firm-level data in Quebec. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 522 258
Raymond, Wladimir, Mairesse, Jacques, Mohnen, Pierre and Palm, Franz (2013). Dynamic models of R&D, innovation and productivity: Panel data evidence for Dutch and French manufacturing. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 924 365
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2011). Arab regional systems of innovation: characteristics and implications. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 719 301
Narula, Rajneesh and Michel, Julie (2009). Reverse knowledge transfer and its implications for European policy. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 470 123
Lokshin, Boris, Hagedoorn, John and Letterie, Wilko (2010). The bumpy road of technology partnerships: Understanding causes and consequences of partnership mal-functioning. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 852 582
Waheed, Abdul (2011). Size, competition, and innovative activities: a developing world perspective. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 445 106
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2010). Assessment of science and technology indicators in Sudan. UNU-MERIT.  3.54 869 572
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2013). Regional systems of innovation in the Arab region. UNU-MERIT.  3.25 449 274
Wang, Lili, Meijers, Huub and Szirmai, Adam (2013). Technological spillovers and industrial growth in Chinese regions. UNU-MERIT.  3.25 865 417
Narula, Rajneesh and Jormanainen, Irina (2008). When a good science base is not enough to create competitive industries: Lock-in and inertia in Russian systems of innovation. UNU-MERIT.  3.25 499 147
Narula, Rajneesh and Guimón, José (2010). The R&D activity of multinational enterprises in peripheral economies: evidence from the EU new member states. UNU-MERIT.  3.25 599 148
Huang, Can, Arundel, Anthony and Hollanders, Hugo (2010). How firms innovate: R&D, non-R&D, and technology adoption. UNU-MERIT.  3.25 1321 622
Lokshin, Boris and Mohnen, Pierre (2007). Measuring the Effectiveness of R&D tax credits in the Netherlands. UNU-MERIT.  3.25 769 622
Azomahou, Théophile T., Diene, Bity and Diene, Mbaye (2012). Nonlinearities in productivity growth: A semi-parametric panel analysis. UNU-MERIT.  3.25 860 246
Goedhuys, Micheline, Janz, Norbert and Mohnen, Pierre (2008). Knowledge-based productivity in ‘low-tech’ industries: evidence from firms in developing countries. UNU-MERIT.  3.25 843  
Lokshin, Boris and Mohnen, Pierre (2010). How effective are level-based R&D tax credits? Evidence from the Netherlands. UNU-MERIT.  3.25 851 807
Lokshin, Boris and Mohnen, Pierre (2008). Wage effects of R&D tax incentives: Evidence from the Netherlands. UNU-MERIT.  3.25 805 304
Bérubé, Charles and Mohnen, Pierre (2007). Are Firms That Received R&D Subsidies More Innovative?. UNU-MERIT.  3.25 963 571
Narula, Rajneesh (2009). Attracting and embedding R&D by multinational firms: policy recommendations for EU new member states. UNU-MERIT.  3.25 712 115
Wignaraja, Ganeshan (2008). FDI and Innovation as Drivers of Export Behaviour: Firm-level Evidence from East Asia. UNU-MERIT.  3.11 545 354
David, Paul A. (2009). Preparing for the Next, Very Long Crisis: Towards a ‘Cool’ Science and Technology Policy Agenda For a Globally Warming Economy. UNU-MERIT.  3.11 736 264