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Verhaeghe, Elke, (2021). The (Post)Politicisation of Timber Trade: (Un)Invited Participation in the EU-Vietnam Voluntary Partnership Agreement. Forest Policy and Economics, 129 102487-102487  4.26 58  
Nagabhatla, Nidhi, Cassidy-Neumiller, Martha, Ntugulo Francine, Nabintu and Maatta, Neil, (2021). Water, Conflicts and Migration and the Role of Regional Diplomacy: Lake Chad, Congo Basin, and the Mbororo Pastoralist. Environmental Science & Policy, 122 35-48  4.26 106  
Lizarozo Rodríguez, Liliana and De Lombaerde, Philippe, (2015). Balancing Free Trade Principles with Other Constitutional Provisions in the Context of Preferential Trade Agreements. Global Journal of Comparative Law, 4(1), 79-107  4.26 419  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2013). The unity and diversity in regional integration studies. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Special Issue 15-24  4.26 536  
Slocum-Bradley, Nikki R., (2013). Relational constructionism: generative theory and practice for conflict engagement and resolution. International Journal of Conflict Engagement and Resolution, 1(1), 114-128  4.26 513  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2011). Towards a World of Regions and States. UNU Website, 1-1  4.26 162  
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Guo, Fei and Neto, Helion Póvoa, (2014). South-South Migrations: What is (Still) on the Research Agenda?. International Migration Review, 48(1), 103-112  4.26 208  
Farrell, Mary, (2005). Spain and Portugal in the European Union: Assessing the Impact of Regional Integration. Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, 7(3), 409-415  4.26 210  
Molano Cruz, Giovanni, (2011). The Andean Integration process: Origins, Transformations and Structures. Integration & Trade, 15(33), 34-45  4.26 192  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2011). The Big View - July 11 (Part 1). The University of Warwick, 1-1  4.26 155  
De Lombaerde, Philippe, (2011). The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Comparative Regionalism. Journal of Common Market Studies, 49(3), 675-681  4.26 171  
De Lombaerde, Philippe, (2007). The Social Construction of Free Trade. The European Union, NAFTA and MERCOSUR. Journal of Common Market Studies, 45(1), 221-222  4.26 201  
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Van Langenhove, Luk, (2011). Monitoring and Evaluating the Provision of (Donor-Funded) Regional Public Goods. Regions & Cohesion, 1(1), 101-123  4.26 275  
De Lombaerde, Philippe, (2009). On the dynamic Measurement of Economic Openness. Journal of Policy Modelling, 31(5), 731-736  4.26 221  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2004). Opinie: De Europese Unie en de Verenigde Naties: Samen Sterk?. Wereldbeeld, (2), 23-25  4.26 138  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2010). Over de Guillotine. De Sleutelbrug, 3-6  4.26 183 37
De Lombaerde, Philippe, (2004). Perspectives on East Asian Economies and Industries. Global Economic Review, 33(2), 57-78  4.26 158  
De Lombaerde, Philippe, (2008). Indicators of Economic Integration. Statistika, (4), 340-345  4.26 215  
Yougbare, Robert, (2008). La nature juridique de l'acte additionnel dans le système juridique de l'UEMOA. A la lumière de l'affaire "Yaï". Penant, Revue trimestrielle de droit africain, (864), 340-362  4.26 339  
de Lombaerde, Philippe, (2003). La problématique de l'intégration monétaire en Amérique Latine et dans les Caraïbes. Cahiers du GELA-IS, 3(4), 143-169  4.26 148  
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Franco, Andrés, (2003). Latin American Multinationals: A Historical and Theoretical Approach. Global Economic Review, 32(1), 81-102  4.26 242  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2012). Le réel défi est de parvenir à articuler les niveaux de gouvernance existants. Global Local Forum, 442-442  4.26 506  
Farrell, Mary, (2002). Meeting the Conditions of Monetary Union: The Challenge to the Spanish Model of Regionalisation. Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, 4(2), 171-189  4.26 156  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2014). Pleidooi voor een 'University College' in Brugge. Exit Magazine, 1-1  4.26 181  
Lizarozo Rodríguez, Liliana and De Lombaerde, Philippe, (2015). Regional and Inter-Regional Economic Rules and the Enforcement of the Right to Health: The Case of Colombia. Global Social Policy, 15(3), 296-312  4.26 231  
De Lombaerde, Philippe, (2005). Regional Integration and Peace. Peace and Conflict Monitor, 5 1-1  4.26 164  
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Van Langenhove, Luk, (2007). Regional Integration, Poverty and Social Policy. Global Social Policy, 7(3), 379-385  4.26 216  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2004). Towards a Regional World Order. UN Chronicle, XLI(3), 12-13  4.26 141  
Baert, Francis, (2011). Europe, the USA and political Islam: strategies for engagement. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 50(1),  4.26 553  
Baert, Francis, (2015). 62 nachten in de opera: de geboorte van de Verenigde Naties. Wereldbeeld, 39(174), 51-69  4.26 202  
Baert, Francis and Van Langenhove, Luk, (2008). Nieuw Veiligheidspartnerschap in de maak: Verenigde Naties en regionale organisaties. Internationale Spectator, 62(6), 349-354  4.26 228  
Baert, Francis and Desmet, Lien, (2015). Twintig jaar na het Beijing Action Plan - De emancipatie van de vrouw binnen de Verenigde Naties. Wereldbeeld, 39(176), 32-45  4.26 212  
Baert, Francis, (2015). Twintig jaar Wereldhandelsorganisatie. Wereldbeeld, 39(173), 60-65  4.26 195  
Kingah, Stephen and Bongkiyung, Pamela D., (2012). Moving beyond the last corrupt leaders in African politics: African Union-European Union cooperation. Cameroon Journal on Democracy and Human Rights, 6(1), 4-47  4.26 669  
Kingah, Stephen, (1970). Regionalising Global Social Policy in Times of Crisis. Regions & Cohesion, 4(1), 3-28  4.26 436  
Kingah, Stephen, Schmidt, Vivien and Yong, Wang, (2015). Setting the Scene: the European Union’s Engagement with Transnational Policy Networks. Contemporary Politics, 21(3), 231-244  4.26 188  
Kingah, Stephen, (2006). The New EU Africa Strategy: Grounds for Cautious Optimism. European Foreign Affairs Review, 11(4), 527-553  4.26 166  
Kingah, Stephen, (2006). Trade and Investment in the Wider Europe : EU Neighbourhood Policy for Enhanced Regional Integration. International Organization Law Review, 3(2), 317-340  4.26 165  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2005). Europa kan VN de weg tonen. De Tijd, 12-12  4.26 326  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2004). Europese Unie moet wereldregio's op VN-kaart zetten. De Tijd, 30 2-2  4.26 342  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2003). Frans-Duitse As is niet alleenzaligmakend. De Standaard, 16-16  4.26 186  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2014). Hoe onafhankelijk wordt Schotland?. Blog Die Keure, 1-1  4.26 196  
Söderbaum, Fredrik, (2004). Modes of Regional Governance in Africa: Neoliberalism, Sovereignty-boosting and Shadow Networks . Global Governance, 10(4), 419-436  4.26 219  
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Söderbaum, Fredrik, Van Langenhove, Luk and Baert, Francis, (2010). The Problem of Comparison in Comparative Regionalism. Review of International Studies, 36(3), 731-753  4.26 330  
Söderbaum, Fredrik, (2005). The Public Good and Public Goods. United Nations Chronicle, XLII(3), 39-43  4.26 164  
Söderbaum, Fredrik, (2012). Whose regionalism in Africa?. GREAT Insights, 1(9),  4.26 437  
Fioramonti, Lorenzo, (2013). “Is it Time to take Free Movement of People in Southern Africa Seriously?”. African Development Bank on Regional Migration in Southern Africa, n/a-n/a  4.26 451  
Chen, Lurong, (2015). 'Fabriek Azië', en het belang van moniale waardeketens en regionale integratie. Wereldbeeld, 39(173), 27-32  4.26 166  
Kierzkowski, Henryk and Chen, Lurong, (2010). Outsourcing and Trade Imbalances: The U.S.-China Case. Pacific Economic Review, 15(1), 56-70  4.26 223  
Chen, Lurong and De Lombaerde, Philippe, (2011). Redes de distribución regional de la producción y organización en ejes en América latina y en el Este Asiático: una perspectiva a largo plazo. Integración & Comercio, 15(32), 21-39  4.26 190