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Szirmai, Adam (2009). Industrialisation as an engine of growth in developing countries. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 1114 1100
Perrot, Radhika (2012). The dynamics of renewable energy transition in developing countries - The case of South Africa and India. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 833 367
Pereira de Carvalho, Flavia and Goldstein, Andrea (2008). The ‘making of’ national giants: technology and governments shaping the international expansion of oil companies from Brazil and China. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 493 420
Carree, Martin, Lokshin, Boris and Belderbos, René (2010). A note on testing for complementarity and substitutability in the case of multiple practices. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 995 314
Gebreeyesus, Mulu and Iizuka, Michiko (2010). Discovery of the flower industry in Ethiopia: experimentation and coordination. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 1029 911
Akçomak, Semih, Akdeve, Erdal and Findik, Derya (2013). How do ICT firms in Turkey manage innovation? Diversity in expertise versus diversity in markets. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 523 252
Bascavusoglu-Moreau, Elif (2010). Entrepreneurship and the national system of innovation - What is missing in Turkey?. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 535 79
Azomahou, Théophile T. and Diene, Mbaye (2012). Income polarization and innovation: Evidence from African economies. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 881 178
Pellegrino, Gabriele and Savona, Maria (2013). Is money all? Financing versus knowledge and demand constraints to innovation. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 513 454
Siegel, Melissa and de Neubourg, Chris (2011). A historical perspective on immigration and social protection in the Netherlands. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 1054 476
Iizuka, Michiko and Katz, Jorge (2012). Globalization and the changing institution for sustainability: The case of the Salmon farming industry in Chile. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 1016 603
Bilgili, Ozge (2013). The links between economic integration and remittances behaviour of migrants in the Netherlands. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 425 188
Gassmann, Franziska (2011). Protecting vulnerable families in Central Asia: Poverty, vulnerability and the impact of the economic crisis. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 827 446
Gassmann, Franziska, Siegel, Melissa, Vanore, Michaella and Waidler, Jennifer (2013). The impact of migration on children left behind in Moldova. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 985 1261
Cadena-Gaitan, Carlos (2012). Political determinants of sustainable transport in Latin American cities. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 531 281
Mohnen, Pierre and Hall, Bronwyn (2013). Innovation and productivity: An update. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 778 1973
Sonne, Lina (2010). India’s Rural Financial System: Does it Support Pro-Poor Innovation?. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 504 268
Huang, Can and Wu, Yilin (2010). Sure bet or scientometric mirage? An assessment of Chinese progress in nanotechnology. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 521 179
Cingolani, Luciana and De Crombrugghe, Denis (2012). Exploring the panel components of the Institutional Profiles Database (IPD). UNU-MERIT.  3.53 577 113
Sonne, Lina (2010). Bridging the financing gap for pro-poor innovation: Towards a framework. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 748 138
Bilgili, Ozge and Siegel, Melissa (2011). Understanding the changing role of the Turkish diaspora. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 773 632
Perrot, Radhika and Filippov, Sergey (2010). Localisation strategies of firms in wind energy technology development. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 584 436
Goedhuys, Micheline, Janz, Norbert and Mohnen, Pierre (2006). What drives productivity in Tanzanian manufacturing firms: technology or institutions?. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 889 281
Zhang, Mingqian and Mohnen, Pierre (2013). Innovation and survival of new firms in Chinese manufacturing, 2000-2006. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 956 268
Szirmai, Adam (2008). Explaining Success and Failure in Development. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 993 591
Szirmai, Adam (2012). Proximate, intermediate and ultimate causality: Theories and experiences of growth and development. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 1102 387
Stam, Erik and van Stel, André (2009). Types of Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 499 3137
Cingolani, Luciana (2013). The State of State Capacity: a review of concepts, evidence and measures. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 3933 3313
Naudé, Wim (2012). Entrepreneurship and economic development: Theory, evidence and policy. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 759 1654
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2010). The incidence and transfer of knowledge in the Arab countries. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 455 99
Gassmann, Franziska and Tsukada, Raquel (2013). Switching off or switching source: energy consumption and household response to higher energy prices in the Kyrgyz Republic. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 749 359
Sologon, Denisa Maria and O'Donoghue, Cathal (2011). Earnings Mobility in Europe: 1994-2001 - Do more flexible labour markets experience a higher earnings mobility?. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 473 69
Vertesy, Daniel and Szirmai, Adam (2010). Brazilian aerospace manufacturing in comparative perspective: A Brazil/USA comparison of output and productivity. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 1100 436
Mupela, Evans, Mustard, Paul and Jones, Huw (2011). Telemedicine and primary health: The virtual doctor project Zambia. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 487  
Kumar, Nagesh and Chadha, Alka (2008). India’s Outward Foreign Direct Investments in Steel Industry in a Chinese Comparative Perspective. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 495 485
Bhupatiraju, Samyukta, Verspagen, Bart and Ziesemer, Thomas (2013). Summarizing large spatial datasets: Spatial principal components and spatial canonical correlation. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 843 212
Filippov, Sergey (2008). Russia's emerging multinationals: trends and issues. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 531 401
Bedasso, Biniam (2012). Lords of Uhuru: the political economy of elite competition and institutional change in post-independence Kenya. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 602 93
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando and Dutrenit, Gabriela (2010). Determinants of PRO-industry interactions in pharmaceutical R&D: the case of Mexico. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 576 291
Ziesemer, Thomas (2010). The Impact of the Credit Crisis on Poor Developing Countries and the Role of China in Pulling and Crowding Us Out. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 728  
Fransen, Sonja, Kuschminder, Katherine and Siegel, Melissa (2012). Implementation of cross-country migration surveys in conflict-affected settings: Lessons from the IS Academy survey in Burundi and Ethiopia. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 851 180
Hall, Andy and Clark, Norman (2009). What Do Complex Adaptive Systems Look Like and What Are the Implications for Innovation Policy?. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 784 406
Sulaiman, Rasheed, Hall, Andy and Reddy, T.S. Vamsidhar (2011). Missing the target: Lessons from enabling innovation in South Asia. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 715 186
Sonne, Lina (2010). Financing pro-poor entrepreneur-based innovation: A review of existing literature. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 699 259
Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, Banji and Gehl Sampath, Padmashree (2006). Rough Road to Market: Institutional Barriers to Innovations in Africa. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 492 127
Chattopadhyay, Sutapa (2011). Socio-economic transformations of Sardar Sarovar project-affected indigenous populations and post-colonial development state. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 501 136
Wintjes, René and Hollanders, Hugo (2011). Innovation pathways and policy challenges at the regional level: smart specialisation. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 924 451
Kaplinsky, Raphael, Chataway, Joanna, Clark, Norman, Hanlin, Rebecca, Kale, Dinar, Muraguri, Lois, Papaioannou, Theo, Robbins, Peter and Wamae, Watu (2010). Below the Radar: What does Innovation in Emerging Economies have to offer other Low Income Economies?. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 786 991
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2013). Development and social justice: Education, training and health in Sudan. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 487 230
Gassmann, Franziska (2012). Switching the lights off: The impact of energy tariff increases on households in the Kyrgyz Republic. UNU-MERIT.  3.53 892 454