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Balde, Cornelis P., Wang, Feng, Kuehr, Ruediger and Huisman, Jaco, The Global E-waste Monitor 2014: Quantities, flows and resources, (Tokyo & Bonn: United Nations University, 2015).  6.49 4054  
Balde, Cornelis P., Kuehr, Ruediger, Blumenthal, K., Fondeur Gill, S., Kern, M., Micheli, P., E. Magpantay and Huisman, Jaco, E-waste statistics - Guidelines on classification, reporting and indicators”, United Nations University, IAS - SCYCLE, Bonn (Germany) 2015, 51 pages (ISBN Print: 978-92-808-4553-2) (with C.P. Balde, K. Blumenthal, S. Fondeur Gill, M. Kern, P. Micheli, E, (Bonn: UNU, 2015).  6.49 3296  
Integrative Approaches towards Sustainability, ed. Kuehr, Ruediger and Suzuki, Motoyuki (Tokyo & Berlin: United Nations University, 2000).  6.49 378 402
Forti, Vanessa, Balde, Cornelis P., Kuehr, Ruediger and Bel, Garam, The Global E-waste Monitor 2020: Quantities, flows and the circular economy potential, (Bonn, Geneva and Rotterdam: United Nations University/United Nations Institute for Training and Research, International Telecommunication Union, and International Solid Waste Association, 2020).  6.49 46819 16554
Kuehr, Ruediger, Japan’s Transnational Environmental Policies. The Case of Environmental Technology Transfer to Newly Industrializing Countries, (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH - International Academic Publishers, 2011).  6.49 751  
Solving the E-waste Problem: An Interdisciplinary Compilation of International E-waste Research, Research presented at the NVMP-StEP E-waste Summer Schools 2009 and 2010, ed. Khetriwal, Deepali S., Luepschen, Claudia and Kuehr, Ruediger (Tokyo & Bonn: Solving the E-Waste Problem (StEP) Initiative & United Nations University, 2013).  6.49 1074  
Balde, Cornelis P., Forti, Vanessa, Gray, Vanessa, Kuehr, Ruediger and Stegmann, Paul, The Global E-waste Monitor 2017: Quantities, Flows and Resources, (Bonn, Geneva, and Vienna: United Nations University, International Telecommunication Union, and International Solid Waste Association, 2017).  6.49 10413 118736
Small Islands and Sustainable Development, ed. Paoletto, Glen and Kuehr, Ruediger (Tokyo: United Nations University, 1995).  6.49 564  
Computers and the environment: understanding and managing their impacts, ed. Kuehr, Ruediger and Williams, Eric (Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London: Kluwer/Springer, 2003).  6.49 1778  
Honda, Shunichi, Khetriwal, Deepali S. and Kuehr, Ruediger, Regional E-waste Monitor: East and Southeast Asia, (Bonn: United Nations University and Japanese Ministry of the Environment, 2016).  6.49 1023 6466
Forti, Vanessa, Baldé, Kees and Kuehr, Ruediger, E-waste Statistics: Guidelines on Classifications, Reporting and Indicators, second edition, (Bonn: United Nations University, 2018).  6.49 7971 16738
Forti, Vanessa, Balde, Cornelis P., Kuehr, Ruediger and Bel, Garam, Suivi des déchets d'équipements électriques et électroniques à l'échelle mondiale pour 2020 : Quantités, flux et possibilités offertes par l'économie circulaire, (Bonn, Genève et Rotterdam: Université des Nations Unies/Institut des Nations Unies pour la formation et la recherche, Union internationale des télécommunications et Association internationale des déchets solides, 2020).  6.49 798 6418