Search Results (Keywords:"violent extremism")

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Rogers, Amanda E. (2017). Children and Extreme Violence: Viewing Non-State Armed Groups Through a Brand Marketing Lens: A Case Study Of Islamic State. Children and Extreme Violence. United Nations University.  6.18 1835 3023
von Einsiedel, Sebastian, Bosetti, Louise, Chandran, Rahul, Cockayne, James, de Boer, John and Wan, Wilfred (2016). Major Recent Trends in Violent Conflict. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research.  6.18 599 4642
Littman, Rebecca (2017). Children and Extreme Violence: Insights from Social Science on Child Trajectories Into and Out Of Non-State Armed Groups. Children and Extreme Violence. United Nations University.  6.18 2202 1859
Scott, Jacqueline (2017). Children and Extreme Violence: Insights from Criminology on Child Trajectories Into and Out of Non-State Armed Groups. Children and Extreme Violence. United Nations University.  6.18 1867 1183
von Einsiedel, Sebastian (2016). Assessing the UN’s Efforts to Counter Terrorism. United Nations University.  5.83 690 11538
O'Neil, Siobhan and Van Broeckhoven, Kato, Cradled by Conflict: Child Involvement with Armed Groups in Contemporary Conflict, (New York: United Nations University, 2018).  5.83 3541 13679
Salih, Cale, Slye, Ron, Revkin, Mara, Vanda Felbab-Brown and Freeman, Mark (2018). The Limits of Punishment. United Nations University.  4.96 341 1763
de Boer, John and Muggah, Robert, (2016). Are aid agencies ready to deal with war, terrorism, and crime in cities?. Thomson Reuters Foundation, n/a-n/a  4.96 489  
Seymour, Claudia (2018). Cradled by Conflict: Implications for Programming. Cradled by Conflict. United Nations University.  3.75 399 3342