Search Results (Keywords:"reuse", Author:"Scott, Christopher A.")

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Scott, Christopher A., Kurian, Mathew and Wescoat Jr., James L., "The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Enhancing Adaptive Capacity to Complex Global Challenges" in Governing the Nexus: Water, Soil and Waste Resources Considering Global Change ed. Kurian, Mathew and Ardakanian, Reza (Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015), 15-38.  3.33 572   0
Kurian, Mathew, Scott, Christopher A., Reddy, V. Ratna, Alabaster, Graham, Nardocci, Adelaide, Portney, Kent E., Boer, Rizaldi and Hannibal, Bryce, (2019). One Swallow Does Not Make a Summer: Siloes, Trade-Offs and Synergies in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus. frontiers in Environmental Science, 7(32), 1-17  2.62 578 1