Jordanoski, Zoran and Meyerhoff Nielsen, Morten (2021). Report on the state of application of Digital Economy Society Index (DESI) in Western Balkan economies. Regional Cooperation Council.
4.61 |
728 |
266 |
Backhouse, Judy and Ben Dhaou, Soumaya, "Medidas de cidades sustentáveis e inteligentes: partindo do âmbito global para o local" in Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na gestão urbana: desafios para a mediação de cidades inteligentes (São Paulo: Comitê Gestor da Internet no Brasil - CGI.br, 2020), 76-108.
4.61 |
532 |
Backhouse, Judy and Chauke, Hlelo, "Development Impacts of Free Public Wi-Fi in Johannesburg" in Handbook of Research on Managing Information Systems in Developing Economies (Hershey: IGI Global, 2020), 374-395.
4.59 |
703 |
Ben Dhaou, Soumaya and Backhouse, Judy (2020). Blockchain for smart sustainable cities. United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC). International Telecommunication Union.
4.59 |
991 |
Tavares, António, Raudla, Ringa and Silva, Tiago, (2020). Best of both worlds? Independent lists and voter turnout in local elections. Journal of Urban Affairs, 42(7), 955-974
4.59 |
679 |
Pelter, Zoë, Byrne, Jasmina, Meyerhoff Nielsen, Morten and Makpor, Mercy, "Government digital services and children: challenges to the digital transformation" in ICT KIDS ONLINE BRAZIL 2020: Survey on Internet Use by Children in Brazil (São Paulo: Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR, 2021), 175-184.
4.56 |
420 |
Lameiras, Mariana, Maria João Costa, Ben Dhaou, Soumaya and Soares, Delfina, "Key indicators for justice: evidence-based research for policy-making" 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2020), Online, 2020/09/23-25.
3.91 |
601 |
178 |
Lameiras, Mariana, Tavares, António, Silva, Patrícia and Silva, Tiago (2020). The art of being digitally meaningful: local governments' activity on social media. UNU-EGOV Policy Briefs. United Nations University (UNU-EGOV).
3.85 |
Backhouse, Judy and Ben Dhaou, Soumaya (2021). Simple ways to be smart. United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC). International Telecommunication Union.
3.67 |
560 |
Arongo, Joshua Rumo and Backhouse, Judy, (2021). Knowledge management in local governments in developing countries: a systematic literature review. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, n/a-n/a
3.48 |
386 |
Sarantis, Demetrios, Alexopoulos, Charalampos, Charalabidis, Yannis, Lachana, Zoi and Loutsaris, Michalis, "Blockchain in Digital Government: Research Needs Identification" 17th European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2020), Online, 2020/11/25-26.
3.32 |
737 |
Khan, Saima and Zaber, Moinul, "Understanding the responsiveness of local-level e-Governance platforms of Bangladesh" 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2020), Online, 2020/09/23-25.
3.13 |
304 |
398 |
Wahed, Muntasir, Rizvee, Redwan Ahmed, Haque, Riddho Ridwanul, Ali, Amin Masud, Zaber, Moinul and Ali, Ahsan Amin, "What Can Nighttime Lights Tell Us about Bangladesh?" 2020 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP 2020), Dhaka, 2020/06/05-07.
3.10 |
288 |
Meyerhoff Nielsen, Morten, "The Untapped Potential: The Inclusive, Personal and Co-created Public Service Experience in Europe" in Digitalization of Democratic Processes in Europe: Southern and Central Europe in Comparative Perspective ed. Musiał-Karg, Magdalena and Luengo, Óscar G. (Cham: Springer, 2021), 165-188.
3.10 |
519 |
Janssen, Marijn, Brous, Paul, Estevez, Elsa, Soares Barbosa, Luís and Janowski, Tomasz, (2020). Data governance: Organizing data for trustworthy Artificial Intelligence. Government Information Quarterly, 37(3), n/a-n/a
3.02 |
724 |
Tavares, António and Rodrigues, Miguel, (2020). The effects of amalgamations on voter turnout: Evidence from sub-municipal governments in Portugal. Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, 101 1757-1772
2.92 |
473 |
Meyerhoff Nielsen, Morten and Jordanoski, Zoran, "Digital transformation, governance and coordination models: A comparative study of Australia, Denmark and the Republic of Korea" 21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2020), Online, 2020/06/15-19.
2.92 |
751 |
Tetley-Brown, Lucille and Klein, Ewan, (2021). Exploring data-in-use: The value of data for local government. dms - der moderne staat - Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management, 14(1), 1-20
2.92 |
335 |
Martins, João and Meyerhoff Nielsen, Morten, "ICT Development in the Public Sector and the Small Island States Context - Evidence from across the World" 7th International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG 2020), Buenos Aires, 2020/04/22-24.
2.92 |
576 |
Lameiras, Mariana, "Discussing challenges and limitations of an experimental research design to test trust in local e-government" The 21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2020), Online, 2020/06/15-19.
2.92 |
368 |
Lameiras, Mariana, "Discussing challenges and limitations of an experimental research design to test trust in local e-government" 21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2020), Online, 2020/06/15-19.
2.92 |
473 |
Lameiras, Mariana, Ben Dhaou, Soumaya and Soares, Delfina, "Evidence-based research for Intelligent Governments: Lessons learned from the Justice system" 21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2020), Online, 2020/06/15-19.
2.87 |
643 |
Carvalho, Joana and Sousa, Rui Dinis, "Exploring the case of a local food bank to understand information technology use in government information networks" 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2020), Online, 2020/09/23-25.
2.36 |
876 |
352 |
Meyerhoff Nielsen, Morten and Millard, Jeremy, "Local context, global benchmarks: Recommendations for an adapted approach using the UN E-Government Development Index as an example" 21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2020), Online, 2020/06/15-19.
2.36 |
563 |
Al-Mahrooqi, Shaima and Backhouse, Judy, "Selecting indicators for the Smart City Pilot in Knowledge Oasis Muscat (KOM), Sultanate of Oman" 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2020), Online, 2020/09/23-25.
2.36 |
395 |
322 |
Roeger, Alexandra and Tavares, António, (2020). Do Governance Arrangements Affect the Voluntary Adoption of Water Safety Plans? An Empirical Study of Water Utilities in Portugal. Water Resources Management, 34 1757-1772
2.36 |
472 |
Backhouse, Judy, "A taxonomy of measures for smart cities" 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2020), Online, 2020/09/23-25.
2.08 |
740 |
819 |
Al-Lawati, Ali and Soares Barbosa, Luís, "Towards a register-based census in Oman" 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2020), Online, 2020/09/23-25.
2.08 |
490 |
498 |