Search Results (Keywords:"Transcontinental migration", Date:" [2013\-01\-01T00\:00\:00Z TO 2013\-12\-31T00\:00\:00Z] ")

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Bloom, Tendayi (2013). Statement on the use of private actors in migration enforcement and the effects of this on vulnerable migrants. UN High Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development. UNU-GCM.  4.89 459 117
Bloom, Tendayi (2013). Extended Report: Statelessness and the delegation of migrant function to private actors. Statelessness and Transcontinental Migration (Policy Reports Series 02). UNU-GCM.  4.89 484 333
Bloom, Tendayi (2013). Problematizing the Conventions on Statelessness. Statelessness and Transcontinental Migration (Policy Reports Series 02). UNU-GCM.  4.89 624 3365
Bello, Valeria (2013). Is the discussion of 'Statelessness' in the UN Security Council a question of human security or international security?. Statelessness and Transcontinental Migration (Policy Reports Series 02). UNU-GCM.  4.89 766 363
Bloom, Tendayi (2013). Immigration detention and stateless persons. Statelessness and Transcontinental Migration (Policy Reports Series 02). UNU-GCM.  4.89 481 345