Search Results (Keywords:"Resource scarcity")

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Nnamani, Catherine V. (2014). Nourishing the Malnourished. UNU-INRA Policy Brief. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa.  5.70 749 408
Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan, Caucci, Serena and Ardakanian, Reza, "Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture: The Golden Example of Nexus Approach" in Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture: From Concept to Implementation ed. Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan and Ardakanian, Reza (Cham: Springer Nature, 2018), 1-11.  2.91 2018  
Soete, Luc (2009). Malthus' Revenge. UNU-MERIT.  2.35 451 64
Reddy, V. Ratna, Cunha, Davi G. F. and Kurian, Mathew, (2018). A Water–Energy–Food Nexus Perspective on the Challenge of Eutrophication. Water, 10(2), 1-13  2.35 959   0
Payus, Carolyn, Huey, Lim Ann, Adnan, Farrah, Rimba, Andi B., Mohan, Geetha, Chapagain, Saroj, Roder, Giulia, Gasparatos, Alexandros and Fukushi, Kensuke, (2020). Impact of Extreme Drought Climate on Water Security in North Borneo: Case Study of Sabah. Water, 12(4), 1-19  2.07 1006 230