Search Results (Keywords:"Inequality", Date:" [2015\-01\-01T00\:00\:00Z TO 2015\-12\-31T00\:00\:00Z] ")

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Etzold, Benjamin, Ahmed, Ahsan Uddin, Hassan, Selim Reza, Neelormi, Sharmind and Afifi, Tamer, "Rainfall Variability, Hunger, and Social Inequality, and Their Relative Influences on Migration: Evidence from Bangladesh" in Environmental Migration and Social Inequality ed. McLeman, Robert, Schade, Jeanette and Faist, Thomas (Geneva: Springer International Publishing, 2015), 27-41.  3.06 527  
Cano, Liliana (2015). Income Mobility in Ecuador : New Evidence from Individual Income Tax Returns. UNU-WIDER.  2.27 384  
Krozer, Alice (2015). The Inequality We Want : How Much is too Much?. UNU-WIDER.  2.01 413  
Luongo, Patrizia (2015). Inequality of Opportunity in Educational Achievements : Cross-country and Intertemporal Comparisons. UNU-WIDER.  2.01 368  
Galbraith, James K., Halbach, Beatrice, Malinowska, Aleksandra, Shams, Amin and Zhang, Wenjie (2015). The UTIP Global Inequality Datasets: 1963-2008. UNU-WIDER.  2.01 393  
Rossouw, Laura (2015). Poor Health Reporting : Do Poor South Africans Underestimate Their Health Needs?. UNU-WIDER.  2.01 356  
Abu-Ismail, Khalid and Sarang, Niranjan (2015). Rethinking the Measurement of the Middle Class : Evidence from Egypt. UNU-WIDER.  2.01 370  
Tuominen, Elina (2015). Reversal of the Kuznets Curve : Study on the Inequality–Development Relation Using Top Income Shares Data. UNU-WIDER.  2.01 359  
Finn, Arden, Leibbrandt, Murray and Lam, David (2015). Schooling Inequality, Returns to Schooling, and Earnings Inequality Evidence from Brazil and South Africa. UNU-WIDER.  2.01 420  
Sharma, Smriti (2015). Gender and distributional preferences : Experimental evidence from India. UNU-WIDER.  2.01 470  
Brunori, Paolo, Palmisano, Flaviana and Peragine, Vito (2015). Inequality of Opportunity During the Great Recession in Uganda. UNU-WIDER.  2.01 510  
Fields, Gary S., Duval-Hernández, Robert and Jakubson, George H. (2015). Analysing Income Distribution Changes : Anonymous Versus Panel Income Approaches. UNU-WIDER.  2.01 551  
Baye, Francis Menjo (2015). Impact of Education on Inequality Across the Wage Distribution Profile in Cameroon : 2005-10. UNU-WIDER.  2.01 421  
Sharma, Smriti and Deshpande, Ashwini (2015). Disadvantage and discrimination in self-employment : Caste gaps in earnings in Indian small businesses. UNU-WIDER.  1.74 484  
McKay, Andrew, Pirttilä, Jukka and Tarp, Finn (2015). Ghana : Poverty Reduction Over Thirty Years. UNU-WIDER.  1.74 495  
Arndt, Channing, Demery, Lionel, McKay, Andrew and Tarp, Finn (2015). Growth and Poverty Reduction in Tanzania. UNU-WIDER.  1.74 531  
Rodriguez Takeuchi, Laura (2015). Intra-Household Inequalities in Child Rights and Well-Being : A Barrier to Progress?. UNU-WIDER.  1.74 439  
Arndt, Channing, Jones, Sam and Salvucci, Vincenzo (2015). When do Relative Prices Matter for Measuring Income Inequality? : The Case of Food Prices in Mozambique. UNU-WIDER.  1.74 477  
Cano, Liliana (2015). Income Mobility in Ecuador : New Evidence from Individual Income Tax Returns. UNU-WIDER.  1.74 339  
Ghate, Chetan, Glomm, Gerhard and Stone III, John T. (2015). Public and Private Expenditures on Human Capital Accumulation in India. UNU-WIDER.  1.74 355  
Singhal, Saurabh and Beck, Ulrik (2015). Ethnic disadvantage in Vietnam : Evidence using panel data. UNU-WIDER.  1.74 406  
Arndt, Channing, Jones, Sam and Tarp, Finn (2015). Mozambique: Off-track or Temporarily Sidelined?. UNU-WIDER.  1.74 431  
Ezeanya, Chika (2015). Home-Grown and Grassroots-Based Strategies for Determining Inequality Towards Policy Action : Rwanda’s Ubudehe Approach in Perspective. UNU-WIDER.  1.74 312  
Jayaraj, D. and Subramanian, Sreenivasan (2015). Growth and Inequality in the Distribution of India’s Consumption Expenditure : 1983 to 2009-10. UNU-WIDER.  1.74 358  
Arndt, Channing, Jones, Sam and Tarp, Finn (2015). Mozambique : Off-track or Temporarily Sidelined?. UNU-WIDER.  1.74 560  
Cornia, Giovanni Andrea (2015). Income Inequality in Latin America : Recent Decline and Prospects for Its Further Reduction. UNU-WIDER.  1.74 391  
Kar, Saibal and Kar, Mausumi (2015). Liberalized Trade Policy and Inequality : Evidence from Post-Multi-Fibre Arrangement India and Some Theoretical Issues. UNU-WIDER.  1.48 355  
Kessels, Roselinde and Erreygers, Guido (2015). A Unified Structural Equation Modelling Approach for the Decomposition of Rank-Dependent Indicators of Socioeconomic Inequality of Health. UNU-WIDER.  1.48 528  
Hillbom, Ellen and Bolt, Jutta (2015). Changing Income Inequality and Structural Transformation The Case of Botswana 1921-2010. UNU-WIDER.  1.48 530  
Reddy, Sanjay, Lahoti, Rahul and Jayadev, Arjun (2015). The Global Consumption and Income Project : An Introduction and Preliminary Findings. UNU-WIDER.  1.48 386  
Leyaro, Vincent (2015). Threshold and Interaction Effects in the Trade, Growth, and Inequality Relationship. UNU-WIDER.  1.48 369