Search Results (Keywords:"Inequality", Date:" [2014\-01\-01T00\:00\:00Z TO 2014\-12\-31T00\:00\:00Z] ")

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Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel, Roope, Laurence and Tarp, Finn (2014). Global Interpersonal Inequality : Trends and Measurement. UNU-WIDER.  2.31 566  
Atkinson, Anthony Barnes (2014). The Colonial Legacy : Income Inequality in Former British African Colonies. UNU-WIDER.  2.04 389  
Bigsten, Arne, Mwabu, Germano, Manda, Damiano Kulundu and Wambugu, Anthony (2014). Incomes, Inequality, and Poverty in Kenya : A Long-Term Perspective. UNU-WIDER.  2.04 430  
Cornwall, Andrea (2014). Women’s Empowerment : What Works and Why?. UNU-WIDER.  2.04 454  
Pauw, Karl, Beck, Ulrik and Mussa, Richard (2014). Did Rapid Smallholder-Led Agricultural Growth Fail to Reduce Rural Poverty? Making Sense of Malawi’s Poverty Puzzle. UNU-WIDER.  2.04 366  
Thorbecke, Erik (2014). The Structural Anatomy and Institutional Architecture of Inclusive Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. UNU-WIDER.  2.04 396  
Noglo, Yawo Agbényég (2014). Monetary Inequality Among Households in Togo : An Illustration Based on the Decomposition of the Gini Coefficient Using the Shapley Value Approach. UNU-WIDER.  1.77 391  
Verpoorten, Marijke (2014). Growth, Poverty and Inequality in Rwanda : A Broad Perspective. UNU-WIDER.  1.77 365  
Grimm, Michael, Wetta, Claude and Nikiema, Aude (2014). Burkina Faso : Shipping Around the Malthusian Trap. UNU-WIDER.  1.77 622  
Houngbonon, Georges Vivien, Bauer, Arthur, Ndiaye, Abdoulaye, Champagne, Clara, Yokossi, Tite, Ferrière, Nathalie, Brahimi, Hédi and Avril, Jeanne (2014). Assessing the Inclusiveness of Growth in Africa : Evidence from Cameroon, Senegal, and Tanzania. UNU-WIDER.  1.77 585  
Molini, Vasco, Clementi, Fabio, Dabalen, Andrew L. and Schettino, Francesco (2014). The Centre Cannot Hold : Patterns of Polarization in Nigeria. UNU-WIDER.  1.77 379  
Arndt, Channing, Jones, Sam and Salvucci, Vincenzo (2014). When do Relative Prices Matter for Measuring Income Inequality? : The Case of Food Prices in Mozambique. UNU-WIDER.  1.77 468  
Fambon, Samuel, McKay, Andrew, Timnou, Joseph-Pierre, Kouakep, Olive Stéphanie, Dzossa, Anaclet and Tchakoute, Romain (2014). Growth, Poverty, and Inequality : The Case Study of Cameroon. UNU-WIDER.  1.77 427  
Finn, Arden, Leibbrandt, Murray and Oosthuizen, Morné (2014). Poverty, Inequality, and Prices in Post-Apartheid South Africa. UNU-WIDER.  1.77 407  
Leibbrandt, Murray, Schiel, Reinhard and Lam, David (2014). Assessing the Impact of Social Grants on Inequality : A South African Case Study. UNU-WIDER.  1.77 624  
von Jacobi, Nadia (2014). Can the Context Mediate Macro-Policy Outcomes? : Contextual Differences in the Returns to Bolsa Familia in Brazil. UNU-WIDER.  1.50 404  
Bhorat, Haroon, Goga, Sumayya and Stanwix, Benjamin (2014). Skills-Biased Labour Demand and the Pursuit of Inclusive Growth in South Africa. UNU-WIDER.  1.50 351  
Stifel, David C. and Woldehanna, Tassew (2014). Utility-Consistent Poverty in Ethiopia, 2000–11 : Welfare Improvements in a Changing Economic Landscape. UNU-WIDER.  1.50 337  
de Haan, Arjan and Foa, Roberto (2014). Indices of Social Development and their Application to Africa. UNU-WIDER.  1.50 392  
Bigsten, Arne (2014). Dimensions of African Inequality. UNU-WIDER.  1.50 423  
Stifel, David C., Razafimanantena, Tiaray and Rakotomanana, Faly (2014). Utility-Consistent Poverty in Madagascar, 2001-10 : Snapshots in the Presence of Multiple Economy-Wide Shocks. UNU-WIDER.  1.50 370