Search Results (Keywords:"Green economy")

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Bouaré, Oumar and Dembélé, Alou (2017). Économie verte en Afrique de l’Ouest : Comment Surmonter la Hausse du Chômage dans le Mali Rural ?. UNU-INRA Working Paper. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa.  5.38 403 84
Promoting Green Economy: Implications for Natural Resources Development, Food Security and Poverty Reduction in Africa, ed. Ayuk, Elias T., Oku, Effiom, Asubonteng, Kwabena O. and Nutakor, Praise (Accra: United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa, 2016).  5.38 2398 1052
Bouaré, Oumar and Dembélé, Alou (2017). Économie verte en Afrique de l’Ouest : Comment Surmonter la Hausse du Chômage dans le Mali Rural ?. UNU-INRA Working Paper. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa.  5.38 624 195
Madueke, C.I. and Mkpado M. (2017). Prospects and Constraints of Investment in Environmentally-Friendly Infrastructure in Western Nigeria. UNU-INRA Working Paper. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa.  4.32 593 490
Osiolo, Helen H. (2017). Green Energy Benefits: Policy Options for Kenya. UNU-INRA Policy Brief. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa.  3.80 728 377
Afful-Koomson, Timothy, Fonta, William, Frimpong, Stephen and Amoh, Nathaniel, Economic and financial analyses of small and medium food crops agro-processing firms in Ghana, ed. Nutakor, Praise (Accra: United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa, 2014).  3.27 946 153
Ahmad, Sohail, Balaban, Osman, Doll, Christopher N.H. and Dreyfus, Magali, (2013). Delhi revisited. Cities, 31 641-653  2.75 581   0
Puppim de Oliveira, José A., Doll, Christopher N.H., Balaban, Osman, Jiang, Ping, Dreyfus, Magali, Suwa, Aki, Moreno-Peñaranda, Raquel and Dirgahayani, Puspita, (2013). Green economy and governance in cities: assessing good governance in key urban economic processes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 58 138-152  2.75 845   0
Reddy, V. Ratna, Kurian, Mathew and Ardakanian, Reza, Life-cycle Cost Approach for Management of Environmental Resources: A Primer, (The Netherlands: Springer, 2015).  2.22 2033