Search Results (Keywords:"Energy", isMemberOf:"UNU:2916")

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Fant, Charles and Ummel, Kevin (2014). Planning for Large-Scale Wind and Solar Power in South Africa : Identifying Cost-Effective Deployment Strategies Through Spatiotemporal Modelling. UNU-WIDER.  3.05 315  
Fant, Charles and Schlosser, C. Adam (2013). The Impact of Climate Change on Wind and Solar Resources in Southern Africa. UNU-WIDER.  3.05 367  
Karimov, Aziz and Nlom, Jean Hugues (2014). Modeling Fuel Choice Among Households in Northern Cameroon. UNU-WIDER.  3.05 406  
Fant, Charles and Gunturu, Udaya Bhaskar (2013). Characterizing Wind Power Resource Reliability in Southern Africa. UNU-WIDER.  3.05 401  
Arndt, Channing, Davies, Rob, Hartley, Faaiqa, Makrelov, Konstantin, Thurlow, James, Gabriel, Sherwin and Merven, Bruno (2014). An Integrated Approach to Modelling Energy Policy in South Africa : Evaluating Carbon Taxes and Electricity Import Restrictions. UNU-WIDER.  2.76 571  
United Nations Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development, (1995). Small Islands, Big Issues : Crucial Issues in the Sustainable Development of Small Developing Islands. UNU-WIDER.  2.76 525  
Fant, Charles, Gebretsadik, Yohannes and Strzepek, Kenneth (2013). Impact of Climate Change on Crops, Irrigation and Hydropower in the Zambezi River Basin. UNU-WIDER.  2.76 345  
Pham Do, Kim Hang (2014). The Role of Issue Linkage in Managing the Mekong. UNU-WIDER.  2.46 316  
Fant, Charles, Gebretsadik, Yohannes and Strzepek, Kenneth (2014). Optimized Reservoir Operation Model of Regional Wind and Hydro Power Integration : Case Study: Zambezi Basin and South Africa. UNU-WIDER.  2.46 395  
Kablan, Sandrine (2013). Foreign Aid, Green Cities and Buildings. UNU-WIDER.  2.46 322  
Rogner, Hans-Holger (2013). The Effectiveness of Foreign Aid for Sustainable Energy. UNU-WIDER.  2.46 314  
Block, Paul and Strzepek, Kenneth (2011). Power Ahead : Meeting Ethiopia’s Energy Needs Under a Changing Climate. UNU-WIDER.  2.46 330  
Khan, Haider A. (2008). China’s Development Strategy and Energy Security : Growth, Distribution and Regional Cooperation. UNU-WIDER.  2.46 535  
Wong, Sam (2010). Elite Capture or Capture Elites? Lessons from the 'Counter-elite' and 'Co-opt-elite' Approaches in Bangladesh and Ghana. UNU-WIDER.  2.46 382  
Arndt, Channing, Msangi, Siwa and Thurlow, James (2010). Are Biofuels Good for African Development? : An Analytical Framework with Evidence from Mozambique and Tanzania. UNU-WIDER.  2.46 668  
Branca, Giacomo, Felix, Erika, Maltsoglou, Irini, Thurlow, James and Rincon, Luis E. (2014). Producing Biofuels in Low-Income Countries : An Integrated Environmental and Economic Assessment for Tanzania. UNU-WIDER.  2.46 370