Search Results (Keywords:"Economic governance", Subject:"Economic development")

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Verspagen, Bart (2012). Stylized facts of governance, institutions and economic development. Exploring the institutional profiles database. UNU-MERIT.  4.36 773 195
Rauchway, Eric (2006). The Role of Federalism in Developing the US during Nineteenth-century Globalization. UNU-WIDER.  4.05 295  
Woo-Cumings, Meredith (2006). The Rule of Law, Legal Traditions, and Economic Growth in East Asia. UNU-WIDER.  4.05 297  
Mitullah, Winnie V. (2012). Decentralized Service Delivery in Nairobi and Mombasa. UNU-WIDER.  3.98 417  
Ritzen, Jo and Soete, Luc (2011). Research, higher education and innovation: redesigning multi-level governance within Europe in a period of crisis. UNU-MERIT.  3.79 758 419
Briguglio, Lino, Cordina, Gordon, Farrugia, Nadia and Vella, Stephanie (2008). Economic Vulnerability and Resilience : Concepts and Measurements. UNU-WIDER.  3.78 529  
Villa, Juan M. (2014). Social Transfers and Growth : The Missing Evidence from Luminosity Data. UNU-WIDER.  3.78 374  
Robinson, James (2009). Botswana as a Role Model for Country Success. UNU-WIDER.  3.78 569  
Stewart, Frances (2006). Do We Need a New 'Great Transformation'? Is One Likely?. UNU-WIDER.  3.78 452  
Auty, Richard M. (2006). Patterns of Rent-Extraction and Deployment in Developing Countries : Implications for Governance, Economic Policy and Performance. UNU-WIDER.  3.78 412  
Auty, Richard M. (2007). Aid and Rent-Driven Growth : Mauritania, Kenya and Mozambique Compared. UNU-WIDER.  3.78 639  
Menkhaus, Ken (2014). Aid and Institution-Building in Fragile States : the Case of Somali-Inhabited Eastern Horn of Africa. UNU-WIDER.  3.78 576  
Cardoso, Eliana (2010). Between Past and Future of Latin America : Lessons from Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. UNU-WIDER.  3.67 604  
Suryanarayana, M. H. (2002). Poverty in India : Misspecified Policies and Estimates. UNU-WIDER.  3.62 281  
Dutta, Indranil (2006). The Burden of Government Debt in the Indian States : Implications for the MDG Poverty Target. UNU-WIDER.  3.62 389  
Golley, Jane (1999). Regional Development and Government Policy In China's Transitional Economy. UNU-WIDER.  3.62 411  
Lazonick, William (2006). Corporate Governance, Innovative Enterprise, and Economic Development. UNU-WIDER.  3.62 540  
Lee, Kang-kook (1999). The Change of the Financial System and Developmental State in Korea. UNU-WIDER.  3.62 359  
Lundahl, Mats (1997). Towards the Abyss? : The Political Economy of Emergency in Haiti. UNU-WIDER.  3.62 580  
Azam, Jean-Paul (2004). Poverty and Growth in the WAEMU after the 1994 Devaluation. UNU-WIDER.  3.62 371  
Bigsten, Arne and Shimeles, Abebe (2004). Prospects for 'Pro-Poor' Growth in Africa. UNU-WIDER.  3.62 351  
Kalebe-Nyamongo, Chipiliro (2010). Mutual Interdependence between Elites and the Poor. UNU-WIDER.  3.62 447  
Rehme, Gunther (2002). (Re)Distribution of Personal Incomes, Education and Economic Performance Across Countries. UNU-WIDER.  3.62 343  
Hassan, M. Sajjad (2006). Reconstruction from Breakdown in Northeastern India : Building State Capability. UNU-WIDER.  3.62 338  
Naudé, Wim (2009). Out with the Sleaze, in with the Ease : Insufficient for Entrepreneurial Development?. UNU-WIDER.  3.59 461  
van der Hoeven, Rolph and Vandemoortele, Jan (1987). Country Study 4 : Kenya. UNU-WIDER.  3.59 143  
Green, Reginald (1987). Country Study 1 : Ghana. UNU-WIDER.  3.59 172  
Dickovick, J. Tyler (2013). Foreign Aid and Decentralization : Policies for Autonomy and Programming for Responsiveness. UNU-WIDER.  3.59 335  
Leiderer, Stefan (2013). Donor Coordination for Effective Government Policies? : Implementation of the New Aid Effectiveness Agenda in Health and Education in Zambia. UNU-WIDER.  3.50 432  
Müller, Ulrike (2012). Pro-poor Service Delivery and Social Identity. UNU-WIDER.  3.50 382  
Epstein, Gil S. and Gang, Ira N. (2006). Decentralizing Aid with Interested Parties. UNU-WIDER.  3.50 555  
Kakwani, Nanak and Son, Hyun H. (2006). Evaluating Targeting Efficiency of Government Programmes : International Comparisons. UNU-WIDER.  3.50 449  
Wong, Sam (2010). Elite Capture or Capture Elites? Lessons from the 'Counter-elite' and 'Co-opt-elite' Approaches in Bangladesh and Ghana. UNU-WIDER.  3.38 394  
Fosu, Augustin Kwasi (2011). Growth, Inequality, and Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries : Recent Global Evidence. UNU-WIDER.  3.38 467  
Markussen, Thomas (2015). Social and political capital in rural Viet Nam. UNU-WIDER.  3.26 357