Search Results (Keywords:"Diversity", Author ID:"Pastor-Ivars, Juan")

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Pastor-Ivars, Juan (2019). Restoring Kinship with Nature through Japanese Gardens. UNU-IAS OUIK Biocultural Diversity Series. United Nations University.  8.23 715  
Pastor-Ivars, Juan and Melaku, Alebel, (2024). Urban Sacred Forests Support Human Well-being through Cultural Ecosystem Services. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, n/a-n/a  7.94 55  
Pastor-Ivars, Juan, "The Veil, the Clearing and the Flow: New Commons of Japanese Traditional Gardens in Kanazawa City" in Urban Nature Enriching Belonging, Wellbeing and Bioculture ed. Cocks, Michelle L. and Shackleton, Charlie M. (United Kingdom: Routledge, Taylor and Francis, 2020), 26-50.  7.66 288