Search Results (Keywords:"Conflict", Display Type:"Article")

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Slocum-Bradley, Nikki R., (2013). Relational constructionism: generative theory and practice for conflict engagement and resolution. International Journal of Conflict Engagement and Resolution, 1(1), 114-128  3.17 496  
Mosneaga, Ana and Vanore, Michaella, (2016). An age-sensitive approach to durable solutions. Forced Migration Review, 52 22-26  3.15 1125  
Fioramonti, Lorenzo, Scoeman, Maxi and Olivier, Gerrit, (2012). The EU and multilateral crisis management : assessing cooperation and coordination with the UN. Mercury E-Paper Series, 19 1-24  2.87 474  
Ong, Cheng Boon, Mosneaga, Ana and Vanore, Michaella, (2016). If you don’t measure, you don’t know: the invisible plight of elderly IDPs. Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre Blog, n/a-n/a  2.87 471  
Guzman-Molina, Jairo, Caucci, Serena, Amer A., Abdulhakeem and Schellens, Marie, (2022). Vulnerability reduction in post-conflict areas through a Nexus approach to sustainable food production systems: a case study in Colombia . Research Square, 1-23  2.59 144  
Eklund, Lina, Mohr, Berit and Dinc, Pinar, (2024). Cropland abandonment in the context of drought, economic restructuring, and migration in northeast Syria. Environmental Research Letters, 19(1), 014077-n/a  2.59 39  
Madani, Kaveh, Farhidi, Faraz and Gholizadeh, Sona, (2022). Bargaining Power in Cooperative Resource Allocations Games.. Algorithms, 15(445), 445-n/a  2.59 166  
Kasadha, Juma, (2020). Digitizing Community Building and Reconciliation in Post-Conflict Communities: A Case of #Let’sTalkUganda in Northern Uganda. Social Media + Society, 1-13  2.32 262  
Nagabhatla, Nidhi, Cassidy-Neumiller, Martha, Ntugulo Francine, Nabintu and Maatta, Neil, (2021). Water, Conflicts and Migration and the Role of Regional Diplomacy: Lake Chad, Congo Basin, and the Mbororo Pastoralist. Environmental Science & Policy, 122 35-48  2.32 61  
Lozka, Katsiaryna, (2021). Closer Together or Further Apart? The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Conflicts in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood. European View, 97-105  2.32 53