Search Results (Keywords:"Conflict", UNBIS Thesaurus:"ARMED CONFLICTS", Display Type:"Report", Subtype:"Policy brief")

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Passarelli, David and Day, Adam (2022). Models for Prevention: Lessons from the Sahel, Horn, and Latin America. United Nations University.  7.68 450 451
Gowan, Richard (2021). The Security Council and Conflict Prevention. United Nations University.  7.62 401 4079
Shamoug, Aladdin, O'Neil, Siobhan, Van Broeckhoven, Kato and Caus, Jessica (2020). Conflict Exit Data Management and Integration at the United Nations. Managing Exits from Armed Conflict Policy Memo Series. United Nations University.  7.62 750 513
Caus, Jessica (2021). Climate-driven Recruitment into Armed Groups in Nigeria. Managing Exits from Armed Conflict Findings Report. United Nations University.  7.50 595 3740