Search Results (Keywords:"Climate risk insurance", Author ID:"Kreft, Soenke")

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Schaefer, Laura, Waters, Eleanor, Kreft, Soenke and Zissener, Michael (2016). Making climate risk insurance work for the most vulnerable: Seven guiding principles. United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security.  7.01 2141 1926
Le Quesne, Felicity, Tollmann, Jennifer, Range, Matthias, Balogun, Kehinde, Zissener, Michael, Bohl, Daniela, Souvignet, Maxime, Schuster, Sandra, Zwick, Sabrina, Phillips, Jennifer, Wehnert, Branko and Kreft, Soenke (2017). The role of insurance in integrated disaster & climate risk management: Evidence and lessons learned. Report. UNU-EHS.  6.65 7649 3285
Panda, Architesh, Mirwald, Magdalena and Kreft, Soenke (2022). PRINCIPLE(S) MATTER: A Compilation and Review of Governance Principles in Climate and Disaster Finance. United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security.  6.24 400 51
Kreft, Soenke, Schaefer, Laura, Behre, Eike and Matias, Denise (2017). Climate risk insurance for resilience: Assessing countries' implementation plans. Report. UNU-EHS.  6.06 1526 1434
Schaefer, Laura, Warner, Koko and Kreft, Soenke, "Exploring and managing adaptation frontiers with climate risk insurance" in Loss and Damage from Climate Change: Concepts, Principles, and Policy Options ed. Mechler, Reinhard, Bouwer, Laurens, Linnerooth-Bayer, Joanne, Schinko, Thomas and Surmiski, Swenja (Basel: Springer International, 2018), na-na.  6.04 1217