Search Results (Keywords:"Climate risk insurance", Author ID:"Warner, Koko")

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Warner, Koko, (2009). Climate negotiations pass milestone on insurance. Risk Management Newsletter, (16), 39-47  6.75 6172  
Warner, Koko and Spiegel, Andreas, "Climate change and emerging markets : the role of the insurance industry in climate risk management" in Geneva Association, the insurance industry and climate change : contribution to the global debate ed. Liedtke, Patrick M. (Geneva: Geneva Association, 2009), 83-96.  6.75 932  
Bals, Christoph, Warner, Koko and Butzengeiger, Sonja, (2006). Insuring the uninsurable : design options for a climate change funding mechanism. Climate Policy, 6(6), 637-647  6.40 633   0
Linnerooth-Bayer, Joanne, Warner, Koko, Bals, Christoph, Höppe, Peter, Burton, Ian, Loster, Thomas and Haas, Armin, (2009). Insurance, developing countries, and climate change. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance – Issues and Practice, 34(Special issue on Climate Change and its Economic Impact on Insurance), 381-400  6.28 626   0
Warner, Koko, Woo, Gordon and Dumitru, Denisa (2009). Access to insurance by developing countries against climate related disasters. UNU-EHS Working Paper. UNU-EHS.  5.81 6689 397
Warner, Koko, Yuzva, Kristina, Zissener, Michael, Gille, Susan, Voss, Janina and Wanczeck, Solveig (2013). Innovative insurance solutions for climate change: how to integrate climate risk insurance into a comprehensive climate risk management approach. UNU-EHS Report. UNU- EHS.  5.57 6890 2995
Becker, Sobiah, Young, Simon, Warner, Koko and Zissener, Michael (2013). Climate risk adaptation and insurance: reducing vulnerability and sustaining the livelihoods of low-income communities: a handbook for policy and development practitioners in the Caribbean.. UNU-EHS Report. UNU- EHS.  5.34 6581 513
Schaefer, Laura, Warner, Koko and Kreft, Soenke, "Exploring and managing adaptation frontiers with climate risk insurance" in Loss and Damage from Climate Change: Concepts, Principles, and Policy Options ed. Mechler, Reinhard, Bouwer, Laurens, Linnerooth-Bayer, Joanne, Schinko, Thomas and Surmiski, Swenja (Basel: Springer International, 2018), na-na.  5.06 1217