Search Results (Keywords:"Climate risk insurance", Date:" [2018\-01\-01T00\:00\:00Z TO 2018\-12\-31T00\:00\:00Z] ")

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Ramm, Gaby, Balogun, Kehinde, Souvignet, Maxime and Range, Matthias (2018). INTEGRATING INSURANCE INTO CLIMATE RISK MANAGEMENT: Conceptual Framework, Tools and Guiding Questions: Examples from the Agricultural Sector. UNU-EHS.  3.98 6674 760
Fernández, Raúl and Schaefer, Laura (2018). Impact Evaluation of Climate Risk Insurance Approaches: Status quo and way forward. Discussion Paper Series. United Nations University- Institute for Environment and Human Security.  3.52 6440 307
Cashman, Adrian, Souvignet, Maxime, Schuster, Sandra and Zwick, Sabrina, (2018). Climate insurance and water-related disaster risk management: Unlikely partners in promoting development?. Global Water Partnership, 1-32  2.97 6682  
Hagenlocher, Michael and Garschagen, Mattias (2018). Disaster risk and readiness for insurance solutions: InsuRisk Assessment Report 2018. United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security.  2.85 6746 980
Schaefer, Laura, Warner, Koko and Kreft, Soenke, "Exploring and managing adaptation frontiers with climate risk insurance" in Loss and Damage from Climate Change: Concepts, Principles, and Policy Options ed. Mechler, Reinhard, Bouwer, Laurens, Linnerooth-Bayer, Joanne, Schinko, Thomas and Surmiski, Swenja (Basel: Springer International, 2018), na-na.  2.64 1217