Search Results (Display Type:"Conference Publication", Keywords:"Satoyama")

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Suzuki, Wataru, Dunbar, William and Ichikawa, Kaoru, "The International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI): From Formation to Current Practice" First International Conference of Ecoagriculture and Satoyama Initiative, Taiwan, Hualien, 2015/09/23.  5.13 485  
Ichikawa, Kaoru and Dunbar, William, "Strengthening Resilience of Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes: An Indicators Approach for Local Communities" First International Conference of Ecoagriculture and Satoyama Initiative, Taiwan, Hualien, 2015/09/23.  4.31 498  
SWAN International, Dunbar, William and Matsumoto, Ikuko, "International Workshop on Resilience Assessment of SEPLS" International Workshop on Resilience Assessment of SEPLS, Taipei, 2019/01/16-17.  4.04 334 92