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Lazarowicz, Alex, (2015). Language and Integration in Barcelona, a Globalised Bilingual City. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 402  
O’Neill, Maggie, (2015). Building Cultural Citizenship with Women Seeking Refuge and Asylum. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 627  
Pescinski, Janina, (2016). Fortifying the outer defences under the guise of partnership. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 513  
Pescinski, Janina, (2016). Building a Refugee Political Movement. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 706  
Pescinski, Janina, (2016). Cities of Migration. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 786  
Brubaker, Rebecca and Hall, Nina, (2017). Gaps in global advocacy for the protection of migrants’ rights. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 727  
Fioramonti, Lorenzo, (2012). Rebuilding regions in times of crises : the future of Europe and the 'voice' of citizens. Open Democracy,  8.94 498 96
Nair, Parvati, (2015). Women of the World: Prejudices and Stereotypes. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 465  
Nair, Parvati, (2015). On Gender and Migration. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 584  
Nair, Parvati, (2016). Sealed lips, sealed borders: contemporary human mobility and the imperative of language. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 544  
Pescinski, Janina, (2016). The limits of borders. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 586  
Nair, Parvati, (2015). Why Photography Matters. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 507  
Neyts, Kate, (2015). Female Migration, Urban Relocation and Remaking Home: Excerpts from a Report. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 395  
Odeh, Maya, (2016). 'Elmar the Elephant' in Arabic, and other experiences of integration in Berlin. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 381  
Pescinski, Janina, (2016). Fortifying the outer defences under the guise of partnership. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 569  
Nair, Parvati, (2015). Where to now? Governing the migration crisis in the Mediterranean. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 482  
Nair, Parvati, (2015). Home-Work: Gender and Urban Immigrant Relocation. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 504  
Pescinski, Janina, (2016). The common humanity of Nuit Debout. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 550  
Nair, Parvati, (2015). Women of the World: Work. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 472  
Nair, Parvati, (2015). Women of the World: Networks and Local Associations. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 493  
Bello, Valeria, (2016). Mediterranean crises: how many and for how long?. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 651  
Pescinski, Janina, (2017). Humanitarian citizens: breaking the law to protect human rights. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 463  
Diniz, Tatiana, (2015). Face to Face. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 399  
Maluleke, Gavaza, (2015). Women and the xenophobia narrative in South Africa. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 362  
Pescinski, Janina, (2016). Sustaining the global focus on migration. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 571  
Nair, Parvati, (2015). Women of the World: The City. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 475  
Ruckstuhl, Austin, (2016). Fleeing for simply being: the legal and subjective battles faced by LGBTI refugees. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a  8.94 427