Search Results (Display Type:"Article", Journal Name:"Global Environmental Change")

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Snorek, Julie, Renaud, Fabrice G. and Kloos, Julia, (2014). Divergent adaptation to climate variability: A case study of pastoral and agricultural societies in Niger. Global Environmental Change, 29 371-386  5.28 765  
Harasym, Mary C., Raju, Emmanuel and Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja, (2022). A global mental health opportunity: How can cultural concepts of distress broaden the construct of immobility?. Global Environmental Change, 77 n/a-n/a  5.28 277  
Fry, Claudia, Boyd, Emily, Connaughton, Mark, Adger, W Neil, Franco Gavonel, Maria, Zickgraf, Caroline, Fransen, Sonja, Jolivet, Dominique, Fabos, Anita and Carr, Edward R., (2024). Migrants as sustainability actors: Contrasting nation, city and migrant discourses and actions. Global Environmental Change, 87 1-10  5.28 70 26
Kim, Rakhyun E., (2013). The emergent network structure of the multilateral environmental agreement system. Global Environmental Change, 23(5), 980-991  5.28 479   0
Puppim de Oliveira, José A., Doll, Christopher N.H., Moreno-Peñaranda, Raquel and Balaban, Osman, (2014). Urban biodiversity and climate change. Global Environmental Change, 1 461-468  5.28 985   0
Lu, Xin, Wrathall, David, Sundsøy, Pål, R., Nadiruzzaman, Md, Wetter, Erik, Iqbal , Asif, Qureshi, Taimur, Tatem, Andrew, Canright, Geoffrey, Engø-Monsen, Kenth and Bengtsson, Linus, (2016). Unveiling hidden migration and mobility patterns in climate stressed regions: A longitudinal study of six million anonymous mobile phone users in Bangladesh. Global Environmental Change, 38 1-7  5.28 521  
Warner, Koko, (2010). Global environmental change and migration: governance challenges. Global Environmental Change: Special Issue focusing on Resilience and Governance, 20 402-413.  3.56 685