Search Results (Display Type:"Article", Journal Name:"Foreign Affairs")

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Fantappie, Maria and Salih, Cale, (2017). The Politics of the Kurdish Independence Referendum. Foreign Affairs, n/a-n/a  7.26 346  
Farrell, Mary, (2005). EU External Relations: Exporting the EU Model of Global Governance?. European Foreign Affairs Review, 10(4), 451-462  5.93 306  
Kingah, Stephen, (2006). The New EU Africa Strategy: Grounds for Cautious Optimism. European Foreign Affairs Review, 11(4), 527-553  5.93 159  
Hettne, Björn and Söderbaum, Fredrik, (2005). Civilian Power or Soft Imperialism? EU as a Global Actor and the Role of Interregionalism. European Foreign Affairs Review, 10(4), 535-552  5.93 434