Search Results (Display Type:"Article", Keywords:"Diversity")

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Allotey, Pascale and Reidpath, Daniel D, (2022). Improving diversity in global health governing boards. The Lancet, n/a-n/a  7.64 326 1
Kozar, Raffaela, Djalante, Riyanti, Leimona, Beria, Subramanian, Suneetha M. and Saito, Osamu, (2023). The politics of adaptiveness in agroecosystems and its role in transformations to sustainable food systems. Earth System Governance, 15 n/a-n/a  3.01 223 88
Pastor-Ivars, Juan and Melaku, Alebel, (2024). Urban Sacred Forests Support Human Well-being through Cultural Ecosystem Services. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, n/a-n/a  3.01 55  
Singh, Preeti and Payyappallimana, Unnikrishnan, (2016). New meaning for old knowledge- Reinvigorating Participatory Approaches to Conservation and Sustainable Management of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 6(6), 358-368  2.59 507  
Harmayani, Eni, Anal, Anil K., Wichienchot, Santad, Bhat, Rajeev, Gardjito, Murdijati, Santoso, Umar, Siripongvutikorn, Sunisa, Puripaatanavong, Jindaporn and Payyappallimana, Unnikrishnan, (2019). Healthy food traditions of Asia: exploratory case studies from Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Nepal. Journal of Ethnic Foods, 6(1), 1-18  2.59 305 196
Gupta, Himangana and Singh, Neeraj Kumar, (2023). Climate Change and Biodiversity Synergies: A Scientometric Analysis in the Context of UNFCCC and CBD. Anthropocene Science, 2 5-18  2.59 64  
Morita, Kanako and Matsumoto, Ken'ichi, (2021). Governance Challenges for Implementing Nature-Based Solutions in the Asian Region. Politics and Governance, 9(4), 102-113  2.59 191