Search Results (Display Type:"Book", Keywords:"Energy")

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Tambo, Erick G., Larbi, Lucy, Paulus, David and Szarzynski, Joerg, eLearning for Renewable Energy Higher Education in Africa: Role, Potential and Outlook, ed. Hayek, Niklas, Tambo, Erick G. and Szarzynski, Joerg (Eschborn: European Union Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility, 2017).  5.04 3508 458
Environment, energy, and economy: Strategies for sustainability, ed. Kaya, Yoichi and Yokobori, Keiichi (Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 1997).  4.46 112 82
Brouwer, Floor, Handbook on the water-energy-food nexus., (Cheltenham / Masschusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing., 2022).  3.30 8