Search Results (Subtype:"Journal article", Journal Name:"Journal of Resources and Ecology")

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Yiu, Evonne, (2014). Noto Peninsula after GIAHS Designation: Conservation and Revitalization Efforts of Noto’s Satoyama and Satoumi. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 5(4), 364-369  5.58 836  
Chen, Bixia and Qiu, Zhenmian, (2013). Green tourism in Japan: opportunities for a GIAHS pilot site. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 4(3), 285-292  5.58 602  
Qiu, Zhenmian, Chen, Bixia and Nagata, Akira, (2013). Review of sustainable agriculture: promotion, its challenges and opportunities in Japan. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 4(3), 231-241  5.58 821  
Nagata, Akira and Yiu, Evonne, (2021). Ten Years of GIAHS Development in Japan. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 12(4), 567-577  5.58 332 253
Yiu, Evonne, Nagata, Akira and Takeuchi, Kazuhiko, (2016). Comparative Study on Conservation of Agricultural Heritage Systems in China, Japan and Korea. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 7(3), 170-179  5.58 1152 1063