Search Results (Copyright Date:" [2019\-01\-01T00\:00\:00Z TO 2019\-12\-31T00\:00\:00Z] ", Keywords:"Satoyama")

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Raffaela Kozar, Elson Galang, Alvie Alip, Sedhain, Jyoti, Subramanian, Suneetha M. and Saito, Osamu, (2019). Multi-level networks for sustainability solutions: the case of the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 39 123-134  2.06 343 278
Conservation International Japan and IGES (2019). SEPLS: paisajes terrestres y marinos de producción socioecológica: Experiencias para superar los obstáculos que se presentan en todo el mundo. Conservation International Japan.  2.06 266 149
Yiu, Evonne, (2019). The United Nations University's “Noto Satoumi Movement”: Connecting Japan's Coastal Management to Global Ocean Problems. Ocean Newsletter Selected Papers, (23), 18-19  2.06 407 440
IPSI Secretariat (2019). The International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI): Information Booklet and 2018 Annual Report. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.  2.06 272 231
Natori, Yoji and Dublin, Devon (2019). GEF-Satoyama Project (2015-2019) Impact Report. Conservation International Japan.  2.06 249 131
Takahashi, Yasuo, Lopez-Casero, Federico, Natori, Yoji and Dublin, Devon (2019). GEF-Satoyama Project Working Paper: Values, Knowledge and Governance of Socio-ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies and Conservation International Japan.  2.06 274 241
Conservation International Japan and IGES (2019). SEPLS : Paysages terrestres et marins de production socio-écologiques: Expériences de maîtrise des obstacles à travers le monde. Conservation International Japan.  2.06 255 90
IGES (2019). The Satoyama Development Mechanism (SDM) 2018. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies.  2.06 275 101
SWAN International, Dunbar, William and Matsumoto, Ikuko, "International Workshop on Resilience Assessment of SEPLS" International Workshop on Resilience Assessment of SEPLS, Taipei, 2019/01/16-17.  1.72 334 92
(2019). Understanding the multiple values associated with sustainable use in socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS). Satoyama Initiative Thematic Review. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.  1.72 955 3782