Search Results (Copyright Date:" [2013\-01\-01T00\:00\:00Z TO 2013\-12\-31T00\:00\:00Z] ", Keywords:"Economic governance")

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Saucedo Acosta, Edgar J. and Rullan, Samantha, "Gobernanza económica en tiempos de crisis financiera en la Unión Europea" in Nuevos paradigmas de gestión y organización desde la perspectiva latinoamericana ed. Saldaña, Alejandro and Ricardez, Jerónimo (Xalapa: Códice, 2013), 295-308.  3.43 460 230
Saucedo Acosta, Edgar J. and Bacaria i Colom, Jordi, "Uniones Monetarias e independencia de los Bancos centrales en América Latina" in Política Económica: análisis monetario, regional e institucional ed. Perrotini, Ignacio (Puebla: Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2013), 83-106.  2.82 421  
Bhupatiraju, Samyukta and Verspagen, Bart (2013). Economic development, growth, institutions and geography. UNU-MERIT.  2.21 833 270
Andrews, Matt and Bategeka, Lawrence (2013). Overcoming the Limits of Institutional Reform in Uganda. UNU-WIDER.  1.91 390  
Dickovick, J. Tyler (2013). Foreign Aid and Decentralization : Policies for Autonomy and Programming for Responsiveness. UNU-WIDER.  1.88 321  
Leiderer, Stefan (2013). Donor Coordination for Effective Government Policies? : Implementation of the New Aid Effectiveness Agenda in Health and Education in Zambia. UNU-WIDER.  1.76 419  
Aleem, Samia and Bhutta, Zulfiqar A. (2013). A Review of External Assistance and Aid Effectiveness for Maternal and Child Health : Challenges and Opportunities. UNU-WIDER.  1.59 548  
Buss, Terry F. (2013). Foreign Aid and the Failure of State Building in Haiti Under the Duvaliers, Aristide, Préval, and Martelly. UNU-WIDER.  1.45 360