Search Results (Author ID:"Mamello Thinyane", isMemberOf:"UNU:7494")

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Thinyane, Mamello, Bhat, Karthik, Goldkind, Lauri and Cannanure, Vikram K., (2020). The messy complexities of democratic engagement and empowerment in participatory design – an illustrative case with a community-based organisation. CoDesign, 16(1), 29-44  7.74 524  
Christine, Debora and Thinyane, Mamello, (2021). Citizen science as a data-based practice: A consideration of data justice. Patterns 2, 1-13  7.74 663  
Thinyane, Mamello, (2020). Standardizing Social Justice in Digital Health: An HDI-Informed Health Informatics Architecture. International Journal of Standardization Research (IJSR), 18(1), 24-43  7.74 407  
Thinyane, Mamello, Goldkind, Lauri and Tam, Hoi Iam, (2018). Data Collaboration and Participation for Sustainable Development Goals—a Case for Engaging Community-Based Organizations. Journal of Human Rights and Social Work, 2(7), 1-8  7.74 800  
Marcovecchio, Ignacio, Thinyane, Mamello, Estevez, Elsa and Fillottrani, Pablo, (2018). Capability Maturity Models as a Means to Standardize Sustainable Development Goals Indicators Data Production. Journal of ICT Standardization, 6(3), 217-244  7.74 817 1390
Thinyane, Mamello, Goldkind, Lauri and Choi, Moon, (2019). Small Data, Big Justice: The Intersection of Data Science, Social Good, and Social Services. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 36(4), 175-178  7.74 724  
Thinyane, Mamello and Christine, Debora, (2021). Dimensioning Data Marginalization: Social Indicators Monitoring. Springer Nature, n/a-n/a  7.74 499  
Thinyane, Mamello, (2018). Towards Informing Human-centric ICT Standardization for Data-driven Societies. Journal of ICT Standardization, 6(3), 179-202  7.74 820 435