Search Results (Author:"Dunnewijk, Theo", isMemberOf:"UNU:849")

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Dunnewijk, Theo and Meijers, Huub, "Empirical Analysis of the Trade Position" in Internartionalsation of ICT Activities in Europe ed. B. Dachs, H. Meijers and P. Welfens ().  7.06 187  
Dunnewijk, Theo, Wintjes, René and Hollanders, Hugo, "Benchmarking Regions in the Enlarged Europe" in Innovation Policy in Europe ed. C. Nauwelaers and R. Wintjes ().  5.98 203  
Dunnewijk, Theo, Hollanders, Hugo and Wintjes, René, "Benchmarking Regions in the Enlarged Europe: Diversity in Knowledge Potential and Policy Options" in Innovation Policy in Europe ed. C. Nauwelaers and R. Wintjes ().  5.98 207