Search Results (Keywords:"Global health", isMemberOf:"UNU:1728")

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Aginam, Obijiofor, (2015). Climate Diplomacy for Global Health. Our World, n/a-n/a  5.29 768  
Haque, Syed E., Rahman, Mosiur, Kawashima, Itsuko, Mutahara, Mahmuda and Sakisaka, Kayako, (2014). The effect of a school-based educational intervention on menstrual health: an intervention study among adolescent girls in Bangladesh.. BMJ Open, 4(e004607), 1-9  5.17 695   0
Johanna Riha, Zaida Orth and Rajat Khosla, (2024). Investing in women’s health is essential in the era of polycrises. BMJ, n/a-n/a  4.67 66  
David McCoy, (2023). An Anti-Colonial Agenda for the Decolonisation of Global Health., n/a-n/a  4.67 74  
Nassiri-Ansari, Tiffany and Rhule, Emma, (2024). Missing in action: a scoping review of gender as the overlooked component in decolonial discourses. BMJ Global Health, n/a-n/a  4.67 65  
David McCoy, Anuj Kapilashrami, Ramya Kumar, Emma Rhule and Rajat Khosla, (2024). Developing an agenda for the decolonization of global health. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, n/a-n/a  4.67 79  
Hannah Eger, Shubha Chacko, Salma El-Gamal, Thomas Gerlinger, Alexandra Kaasch, Marie Meudec, Shehnaz Munshi, Awa Naghipour, Emma Rhule, Yatirajula Kanaka Sandhya and Oriana López Uribe, (2024). Towards a Feminist Global Health Policy: Power, intersectionality, and transformation. PLOS Global Public Health, n/a-n/a  4.67 50  
Nassiri-Ansari, Tiffany, Anila Jose, Sharifah Khadijah Syed Razif and Emma Rhule, (2024). The missing voices in global health storytelling. PLOS Global Public Health, n/a-n/a  4.67 55  
Ritu Sadana, Rajat Khosla, Rachel Gisselquist and Kunal Sen, (2024). Continuing a scientific dialogue between sectors on health and economics. Bulletin World Health Organization, n/a-n/a  4.67 65  
Nassiri-Ansari, Tiffany and Rhule, Emma, (2023). From inclusion to pluralism: how can we expand the epistemic languages of global health storytelling?. The Lancet Global Health, 11(7), n/a-n/a  4.67 72 25
Rajat Khosla and Katri Bertram, (2023). The global health community must prevent the erosion of human rights in healthcare. BMJ, n/a-n/a  4.67 43  
Daniel D Reidpath, Sofia Gruskin, Rajat Khosla, Arek Dakessian and Pascale Allotey, (2023). Equity in decline: fair distribution in a worse-off world. The Lancet, n/a-n/a  4.67 72  
Siri, José G., Newell, Barry, Proust, Katrina and Capon, Anthony G., (2015). Urbanization, Extreme Events, and Health: The Case for Systems Approaches in Mitigation, Management, and Response. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 28(2S), 15S-27S  4.43 469   0
McCoy, David and Khosla, Rajat, (2023). Public health leaders must confront the power imbalances that harm global health.. Nature Medicine, Volume 29 n/a-n/a  4.43 86 32
Nassiri-Ansari, Tiffany and Nina Schwalbe, (2024). From lemming to leader: Moving beyond Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to bring health financing assistance into the 21st century. PLOS Global Public Health, n/a-n/a  4.43 60  
Rajat Khosla, Gita Sen, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Winnie Byanyima, Sima Bahous, Debora Diniz, Sara Hossain, Natalia Kanem, Ulrika Karlsson, Laura Laski, Dina Mired, Catherine Russell, Tlaleng Mofokeng, Achim Steiner, Volker Türk and Johanna Riha, (2024). Many crises, one call to action: advancing gender equality in health in response to polycrises. The Lancet, n/a-n/a  4.43 62  
Khosla, Rajat and McCoy, David, (2023). Rhetoric is not enough: Solidarity in global health requires transformative change. Global Policy, n/a-n/a  4.37 73  
Fisseha, Senait, Sen, Gita, Ghebreyesus, Tedros Adhanom, Byanyima, Winifred, Diniz, Deborah, Fore, Henrietta, Kanem, Natalia, Karlsson, Ulrika, Khosla, Rajat, Laski, Laura, Mired, Dina, Mlambo-Ngcuka, Phumzile, Mofokeng, Tlaleng, Rao Gupta, Geeta, Steiner, Achim, Remme, Michelle and Allotey, Pascale, (2021). COVID-19: the turning point for gender equality. The Lancet, 398(10299), 471-474  4.37 452  
Nina Schwalbe, Brian Wahl, Jingyi Song and Susanna Lehtimaki, (2020). Data Sharing and Global Public Health: Defining What We Mean by Data. Frontiers in Digital Health, 2 n/a-n/a  4.06 159 91
Claudia Lopes, Arthur Kipkemoi Saitabau Ng’etich, Niharika Rustagi and Rajat Khosla, (2024). A digital health governance agenda for sexual and reproductive health and rights. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 31(4), n/a-n/a  3.89 75  
Kettler, Hannah, Lehtimaki, Susanna and Schwalbe, Nina, (2020). Accelerating access to medicines in a changing world. Bulletin World Health Organization, 641-643  3.75 616 389
Siri, José G., (2016). Sustainable, healthy cities: making the most of the urban transition. Public Health Reviews, 37(22), 1-5  3.69 444