Search Results (Display Type:"Conference Publication", Author ID:"Tacsir, Ezequiel", isMemberOf:"UNU:984")

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Tacsir, Ezequiel, "The role of R&D in economic growth" DEIP, Design and Evaluation of Innovation Policies, San Salvador, 2009/10/26-30.  9.81 356  
Erbes, Analia, Tacsir, Ezequiel and Yoguel, Gabriel, "Endogenous competences and linkages development" IV Globelics Conference at Mexico City, Mexico City, 2008/09/22-24.  9.81 487  
Tacsir, Ezequiel, "Choosing a career in Science and Technology" GLOBELICS 2009 Dakar, Dakar, 2009/10/06/08.  9.81 542  
Tacsir, Ezequiel, "Diasporas of highly-skilled: institutionalization, experiences and opportunities" DEIP, Design and Evaluation of Innovation Policies, San Salvador, 2009/10/26-30.  9.81 447