Search Results (Display Type:"Article", Author ID:"Reidpath, Daniel D.", isMemberOf:"UNU:1728")

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Yap, Kwong Hsia, Warren, Narelle, Reidpath, Daniel D. and Allotey, Pascale, (2019). Interpretations of self-rated health in stroke survivors from a semi-rural community in South East Asia. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 14(1), 1-13  7.74 418  
Yap, Kwong Hsia, Warren, Narelle, Reidpath, Daniel D. and Allotey, Pascale, (2020). Understanding Cognitive Impairment after Stroke: Stories from a Middle-Income Country. Journal of Population Ageing, 1-20  7.74 398  
Reidpath, Daniel D., Soyiri, Ireneous, Jahan, Nowrozy K., Mohan, Devi, Ahmad, Badariah, Ahmad, Mohtar P., Kassim, Zaid B. and Allotey, Pascale, (2018). Poor glycaemic control and its metabolic and demographic risk factors in a Malaysian community-based study. International Journal Of Public Health, 63(2), 193-202  7.74 534 416
Chew, Fiona L., Thavaratnam, Lakana K., Shukor, Intan N., Ramasamy, Sunder, Rahmat, Jamalia, Reidpath, Daniel D., Allotey, Pascale and Alagaratnam, Joseph, (2018). Visual impairment and amblyopia in Malaysian pre-school children - The SEGPAEDS study. The Medical journal of Malaysia, 73(1), 25-30  7.74 415  
Allotey, Pascale, Reidpath, Daniel D. and Cheong, Mark Wing Loong, (2020). Unequal Access to Vaccines Will Exacerbate Other Inequalities. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 1-2  7.74 378  
Allotey-Reidpath, Kiva D., Allotey, Pascale and Reidpath, Daniel D., (2018). Nine Months a Slave: When Pregnancy Is Involuntary Servitude to a Foetus. Reproductive Health Matters, 26(52), 9-13  7.74 512 351
Yap, Kwong Hsia, Mohan, Devi, Stephan, Blossom C. M., Warren, Narelle, Allotey, Pascale and Reidpath, Daniel D., (2019). Effects of Subjective Memory Complaints (SMCs) and Social Capital on Self-Rated Health (SRH) in a Semirural Malaysian Population. Journal of Aging Research, 2019(-), 1-9  7.74 594 169
Kiva Diamond Allotey-Reidpath, Pascale Allotey and Daniel D Reidpath, (2018). Nine months a slave: when pregnancy is involuntary servitude to a foetus. Reproductive Health Matters, 26(52), 57-61  7.74 479 260
Yap, Kwong Hsia, Allotey, Pascale, Reidpath, Daniel D. and Warren, Narelle, (2020). Chronic disease profiles of subjective memory complaints: a latent class analysis of older people in a rural Malaysian community. Aging and Mental Health, 24(5), 709-716  7.74 644  
Yap, Kwong Hsia, Warren, Narelle, Allotey, Pascale and Reidpath, Daniel D., (2019). Understandings of stroke in rural Malaysia: ethnographic insights. Disability and Rehabilitation, 41(20), 1-9  7.74 410 686
Reidpath, Daniel D. and Allotey, Pascale, (2019). The problem of ‘trickle-down science’ from the Global North to the Global South. BMJ Global Health, 4(4), 1-3  7.74 448 290
Reidpath, Daniel D. and Allotey, Pascale, (2018). Predicting US state teenage birth rates using search engine query data on pregnancy termination and prevention. Journal Of Global Health Reports, 2 1-4  7.74 532 171
Soon, Wong Y, Allotey, Pascale and Reidpath, Daniel D., (2018). Why we run when the doctor comes: Orang Asli responses to health systems in transition in Malaysia. Critical Public Health, 29(2), 192-204  7.74 502  
Partap, Uttara, Young, Elizabeth H., Allotey, Pascale, Sandhu, Majinder S. and Reidpath, Daniel D., (2018). A biomarker feasibility study in the South East Asia Community Observatory health and demographic surveillance system. Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics, 3(14), 1-8  7.74 796 654
Reidpath, Daniel D., Soyiri, Ireneous, Jahan, Nowrozy K., Mohan, Devi, Ahmad, Badariah, Ahmad Mohtar, Kassim, Zaid and Allotey, Pascale, (2018). Poor glycaemic control and its metabolic and demographic risk factors in a Malaysian community-based study. International Journal Of Public Health, 63(2), 1-10  7.74 594   0
Evans, Natalie, Allotey, Pascale, Imelda, Joanna D., Reidpath, Daniel D. and Pool, Robert, (2018). Social support and care arrangements of older people living alone in rural Malaysia. Ageing & Society, 38(10), n/a-n/a  7.74 509  
Warren, Narelle, Allotey, Pascale and Reidpath, Daniel D., (2018). Having Impact: Doing Applied Medical Anthropology in Australia and Malaysia. American Anthropologist, 120(4), 825-829  7.74 506 676
Mairami, Fatima F., Warren, Narelle, Allotey, Pascale and Reidpath, Daniel D., (2019). Contextual factors that shape recovery after stroke in Malaysia. Disability and Rehabilitation, 41(-), 1-11  7.74 735 651
Aborigo, Raymond, Reidpath, Daniel D., Oduro, Abraham R. and Allotey, Pascale, (2018). Male involvement in maternal health: perspectives of opinion leaders. Journal Article, 18:3 1-10  7.74 440  
Dhanoa, Amreeta, Hassan, Sharifah S., Jahan, Nowrozy K., Reidpath, Daniel D., Quek, Kia F., Ahmad, Mohtar P., Cheong, Yuet M., Lau, Wee M., Zain, Anuar Z., Phipps, Maude E., Othman, Lekhsan, Rabu, Aman B., Sirajudeen, Rowther, Fatan, Ahmad A. B., Ghafar, Faidzal A., Ahmad, Hamdan and Allotey, Pascale, (2018). Seroprevalence of Dengue among Healthy Adults in a Rural Community in Southern Malaysia: A Pilot Study. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 7(1), 1-13  7.74 493 165
Mairami, Fatima M., Warren, Narelle, Allotey, Pascale, Jun, Shin M. and Reidpath, Daniel D., (2018). Documenting the impact of stroke in a middle-income country: a Malaysian case study. Disability and Rehabilitation, n/a(n/a), n/a-n/a  7.74 472  
Aborigo, Raymond A., Reidpath, Daniel D., Oduro, Abraham R. and Allotey, Pascale, (2018). Male involvement in maternal health: perspectives of opinion leaders. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18(3), n/a-n/a  7.74 512 692
Allotey, Pascale, Reidpath, Daniel D. and Schwalbe, Nina, (2020). Are men really that much more likely to die from coronavirus? We need better data to be certain. The Conversation, 1-5  7.74 647 330
Partap, Uttara, Young, Elizabeth H., Allotey, Pascale, Sandhu, Manjinder S. and Reidpath, Daniel D., (2019). Characterisation and correlates of stunting among Malaysian children and adolescents aged 6–19 years. Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics, 4 1-11  7.74 904 414