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Dunbar, William, (2016). Consider the Water Buffalo: Landscape Management Around Angkor Wat., n/a-n/a  5.88 432  
Blasiak, Robert, (2012). COP11の反省、楽観主義、現実世界., n/a-n/a  5.88 475  
Koyanagi, Tomoyo, Yamada, Susumu, Yonezawa, Ken-ichi, Kitagawa, Yoshiko and Ichikawa, Kaoru, (2014). Plant species richness and composition under different disturbance regimes in marginal grasslands of a Japanese terraced paddy field landscape. Applied Vegetation Science, 17(4), 636-644  5.88 738   0
Blasiak, Robert, Yagi, Nobuyuki, Kurokura, Hisashi, Ichikawa, Kaoru, Wakita, Kazumi and Mori, Aimee, (2015). Marine ecosystem services: Perceptions of indispensability and pathways to engaging citizens in their sustainable use. Marine Policy, 61 155-163  5.88 712   0
Blasiak, Robert and Kipp, Robert, (2012). リオ+20擁護論:歴史的観点から振り返る., n/a-n/a  5.88 673  
Blasiak, Robert, (2013). Building a Green Economy Before the Oceans Turn Green(er)., n/a-n/a  5.88 473  
Yiu, Evonne, (2019). The United Nations University's “Noto Satoumi Movement”: Connecting Japan's Coastal Management to Global Ocean Problems. Ocean Newsletter Selected Papers, (23), 18-19  5.88 432 459
Nishi, Maiko, Pelling, Mark, Yamamuro, Masumi, Solecki, William and Kraines, Steven B., (2017). Risk Management Regime and Its Scope for Transition in Tokyo. Journal of Extreme Events, 3(3), 1650011-1-1650011-29  5.88 222 53
Blasiak, Robert and Kipp, Robert, (2012). Defending Rio+20: A Historical Perspective., n/a-n/a  5.88 475  
Blasiak, Robert and Nakamura, Koji, (2013). Agricultural Heritage Across the Millennia., n/a-n/a  5.88 662  
Pascual, Unai, Subramanian, Suneetha M., Balvanera, Patricia, Anderson, Christopher B., Chaplin-Kramer, Rebecca, Christie, Michael, González-Jiménez, David, Martin, Adrian, Raymond, Christopher M., Termansen, Mette, Vatn, Arild, Athayde, Simone, Baptiste, Brigitte, Barton, David N., Jacobs, Sander, Kelemen, Eszter, Kumar, Ritesh, Lazos, Elena, Mwampamba, Tuyeni H., Nakangu, Barbara et al., (2023). Diverse values of nature for sustainability. Nature, n/a-n/a  5.88 426 71
Blasiak, Robert, (2013). 海が(さらに)緑色になる前に、グリーン経済の構築を., n/a-n/a  5.88 676  
Hashimoto, Shizuka and Nishi, Maiko, (2016). Policy Evolution of Land Consolidation and Rural Development in Postwar Japan. Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape, (3), 57-75  5.88 282 48
Chakraborty, Shamik and Chakraborty, Abhik, (2017). Satoyama Landscapes and Their Change in A River Basin context: Lessons for Sustainability. Issues in Social Science, 5(1), 38-64  5.88 620 528
Chakraborty, Shamik, (2016). "沿岸エコシステムの保全のチャレンジ―瀬戸内海西部からの事例".日本地理学会2016年秋季学術大会シンポジウム,"社会生態系学の複合性の分析と持続可能な資源管理の在り方". E-journal GEO, 11(2), 562-563  5.88 720 173
Blasiak, Robert, Okayasu, Sana and Matsumoto, Ikuko, (2012). Deep Roots of Community Resilience., n/a-n/a  5.88 501  
Dunbar, William, (2015). A Tale of Sustainable Use: Local Control, Valuation and The Little Prince., n/a-n/a  5.88 623  
Blasiak, Robert and Ichikawa, Kaoru, (2012). Revitalising Socio-ecological Production Landscapes., n/a-n/a  5.88 469  
Nishi, Maiko and Hashimoto, Shizuka, (2022). Health and landscape approaches: A comparative review of integrated approaches to health and landscape management. Environmental Science & Policy, 136 314-325  5.88 280  
Blasiak, Robert, (2012). Reflections on CBD COP11, Optimism and the Real World., n/a-n/a  5.88 414  
Blasiak, Robert, (2012). Return to Rural Communities: Resilience over Efficiency., n/a-n/a  5.88 421  
Takeuchi, Kazuhiko, Ichikawa, Kaoru and Elmqvist, Thomas, (2016). Satoyama landscape as social–ecological system: historical changes and future perspective. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 19 30-39  5.88 997   0
Gupta, Himangana, Nishi, Maiko and Gasparatos, Alexandros, (2021). Community-based responses for tackling environmental and socio-economic change and impacts in mountain social–ecological systems. Ambio, 51 1123-1142  5.88 309  
Blasiak, Robert and Bridgewater, Peter, (2012). Ramsar Convention at 41: New Dimensions., n/a-n/a  5.88 420  
Shoyama, Kikuko, Nishi, Maiko, Hashimoto, Shizuka and Saito, Osamu, (2021). Outcome-Based Assessment of the Payment for Mountain Agriculture: A Community-Based Approach to Countering Land Abandonment in Japan. Environmental Management, 68(3), 353-365  5.88 244 47
Gu, Hongyan and Subramanian, Suneetha M., (2014). Drivers of Change in Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes: Implications for Better Management. Ecology and Society, 19(1), 1-13  5.88 1035 535 0
Oteng-Yeboah, Alfred A., Dunbar, William, Boafo, Yaw A. and Ichikawa, Kaoru, (2016). Securing biodiversity and ecosystem services in Africa: Notes from the 2015 Satoyama Initiative Regional Workshop in Accra, Ghana. Bothalia, 46(1), 1-2  5.88 845 206 0
Dunbar, William, (2016). 水牛から学ぶ: アンコールワット周辺の景観管理., n/a-n/a  5.88 676  
Blasiak, Robert, (2012). Reversing Desertification with Livestock., n/a-n/a  5.88 475  
Torralba, Mario, Nishi, Maiko, Cebrián-Piqueras, Miguel A., Quintas-Soriano, Cristina, García-Martín, María and Plieninger, Tobias, (2023). Disentangling the practice of landscape approaches: a Q-method analysis on experiences in socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes. Sustainability Science, 18(2), n/a-n/a  5.88 282 76
Kelemen, Eszter, Subramanian, Suneetha M., Ágnes Zólyomi, Amaruzaman, Sacha, Porter-Bolland, Luciana, Islar, Mine, Kosmus, Marina, Nakangu, Barbara, Nuesiri, Emmanuel, Robles, Gabriela A, Yiu, Evonne, Emerton, Lucy and Zólyomi, Ágnes, (2023). Signposts on the road toward transformative governance: how a stronger focus on diverse values can enhance environmental policies. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 64(October 2023), 1877-3435  5.88 171 52
Nishi, Maiko, (2022). Japanese land reform in the new era?: Farmers’ wellbeing and sustainable farmland management. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, n/a-n/a  5.88 350  
Blasiak, Robert and Bridgewater, Peter, (2012). ラムサール条約の新たな局面., n/a-n/a  5.88 699  
Blasiak, Robert, (2011). Ethics and Environmentalism: Costa Rica’s Lesson., n/a-n/a  5.88 541  
Uetake, Tomoko, Kabaya, Kei, Ichikawa, Kaoru, Noriko Moriwake and Hashimoto, Shizuka, (2019). Quantitative analysis of national biodiversity strategy and action plans about incorporating integrated approaches in production landscapes. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, n/a-n/a  5.88 547 548
Nakamura, Koji and Blasiak, Robert, (2013). 数千年を超える価値を持つ農業遺産., n/a-n/a  5.88 661  
Blasiak, Robert, (2012). 家畜を活用した砂漠化対策., n/a-n/a  5.88 887  
Blasiak, Robert, (2011). 倫理と環境:コスタリカの教訓., n/a-n/a  5.88 695  
Watanabe, Tsunao, (2023). 自然再生推進法施行から20年 (20 years since the Enforcement of the Law for Promotion of Nature Restoration). Ocean Newsletter, 552 2-3  5.88 126 24
Blasiak, Robert, (2012). 農村回帰:効率に勝るレジリエンス., n/a-n/a  5.88 703  
Blasiak, Robert, Yagi, Nobuyuki and Ichikawa, Kaoru, (2015). Sustainable Ocean Management: New Data and Reasons for Optimism., n/a-n/a  5.88 441  
Blasiak, Robert, Yagi, Nobuyuki and Ichikawa, Kaoru, (2016). 持続可能な海洋管理:最新データと楽観視の理由., n/a-n/a  5.88 662  
Raffaela Kozar, Elson Galang, Alvie Alip, Sedhain, Jyoti, Subramanian, Suneetha M. and Saito, Osamu, (2019). Multi-level networks for sustainability solutions: the case of the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 39 123-134  5.88 379 320
Doll, Christopher and Blasiak, Robert, (2013). Sustainable Development Goals and Our Fascination with Mega-targets., n/a-n/a  4.62 451  
Blasiak, Robert and Doll, Christopher, (2013). 持続可能な開発とメガ目標への陶酔., n/a-n/a  4.62 751  
Ichikawa, Kaoru and Yiu, Evonne, (2016). Conserving Resilient and Multifunctional Sustainable Landscapes., n/a-n/a  4.62 756  
Suzuki, Wataru and Yasuda, Sachiko, (2015). 生物多様性と持続可能な開発のための教育. エネルギー・資源, 36(1), 43-47  4.62 783