Search Results (Project:"303", isMemberOf:"UNU:2004")

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Warner, Koko and Spiegel, Andreas, "Climate change and emerging markets : the role of the insurance industry in climate risk management" in Geneva Association, the insurance industry and climate change : contribution to the global debate ed. Liedtke, Patrick M. (Geneva: Geneva Association, 2009), 83-96.  8.30 905  
Warner, Koko, Kreft, Soenke, Zissener, Michael, Höppe, Peter, Bals, Christoph, Loster, Thomas, Linnerooth-Bayer, Joanne, Tschudi, Silvio, Gurenko, Eugene, Haas, Armin, Young, Simon, Kovacs, Paul, Dlugolecki, Andrew and Oxley, Aaron, "Insurance solutions in the context of climate-change-related loss and damage: needs, gaps and roles of the UNFCCC in addressing loss and damage" in Climate change: international law and global governance, volume II: policy, diplomacy and governance in a changing environment ed. Ruppel, Oliver C., Roschmann, Christian and Ruppel-Schlichting, Katharina (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2013), n/a-n/a.  8.30 1483