Search Results (UNBIS Thesaurus:"URBAN ENVIRONMENT", Project:"2371", isMemberOf:"UNU:1628")

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Phan, Thi Thuy Hoan, Ngo, Thi Van Anh, Cao, Hoang Hai, Le, Ngoc Cau, Ha, Thi Lien and Le, Cong Binh (2015). The Current Status and Solutions for Urban Water Environment in Hanoi City. Water and Urban Initiative Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.  11.26 959 2621
Raflores, Lilia S.D. and Regmi, Ram K. (2015). Understanding the Water and Urban Environment of a Megacity: The Case of Metro Manila, Philippines. Water and Urban Initiative Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.  11.26 1956 10005