Search Results (Subtype:"Journal article", Display Type:"Article", Author:"Djalante, Riyanti", isMemberOf:"UNU:1626")

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Djalante, Riyanti, (2019). Key assessments from the IPCC special report on global warming of 1.5 °C and the implications for the Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction. Progress in Disaster Science, 1 1-5  7.35 567  
Djalante, Riyanti, (2018). A systematic literature review of research trends and authorships on natural hazards, disasters, risk reduction and climate change in Indonesia. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18 1785-1810  7.35 892 5086
Wimbadi, Ramanditya and Djalante, Riyanti, (2020). From decarbonization to low carbon development and transition: A systematic literature review of the conceptualization of moving toward net-zero carbon dioxide emission (1995–2019). Journal of Cleaner Production, 256 n/a-n/a  6.44 531  
Djalante, Riyanti and Lassa, Shuaib, (2019). Governing complexities and its implication on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction priority 2 on governance. Progress in Disaster Science, 1-5  6.44 491 226
DeWit, Andrew, Shaw, Rajib and Djalante, Riyanti, (2020). An integrated approach to sustainable development, National Resilience, and COVID-19 responses: The case of Japan. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 51 n/a-n/a  5.52 1249 836
DeWit, Andrew, Djalante, Riyanti and Shaw, Rajib, (2020). Building Holistic Resilience: Tokyo’s 2050 Strategy. The Asia-Pacific Journal | Japan Focus, 18(7), 1-15  5.52 1129 1481
Djalante, Riyanti, Shaw, Rajib and DeWit, Andrew, (2020). Building resilience against biological hazards and pandemics: COVID-19 and its implications for the Sendai Framework. Progress in Disaster Science, 6 1-7  5.52 1033 1085
Orendain, Dan Jezreel A. and Djalante, Riyanti, (2020). Ignored and invisible: internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the face of COVID-19 pandemic.. Sustainability Science, n/a-n/a  5.52 401 249
Ndhlovu, Nobuhle, Saito, Osamu, Djalante, Riyanti and Yagi, Nobuyuki, (2017). Assessing the Sensitivity of Small-Scale Fishery Groups to Climate Change in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. Sustainability, 9(12), 1-18  5.06 2784 1
Izumi, Takako, Shaw, Rajib, Djalante, Riyanti, Ishiwatari, Mikio and Komino, Takeshi, (2019). Disaster risk reduction and innovations. Progress in Disaster Science, 2 1-8  5.06 492 330
Perera, Duminda, Agnihotri, Jetal, Seidou, Ousmane and Djalante, Riyanti, (2020). Identifying societal challenges in flood early warning systems. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 51 1-9  5.06 445 1205
Kozar, Raffaela, Djalante, Riyanti, Leimona, Beria, Subramanian, Suneetha M. and Saito, Osamu, (2023). The politics of adaptiveness in agroecosystems and its role in transformations to sustainable food systems. Earth System Governance, 15 n/a-n/a  4.61 227 90
Djalante, Riyanti, Nurhidayah, Laely, Van Minh, Hoang, Nguyen, Phuong Thi Ngoc, Mahendradhata, Yodi, Trias, Angelo, Lassa, Jonatan and Ann Miller, Michelle, (2020). COVID-19 and ASEAN responses: Comparative policy analysis. Progress in Disaster Science, 8(100129), 1-12  4.38 2765 690
Djalante, Riyanti, Lassa, Jonatan, Setiamarga, Davin, Sudjatma, Aruminingsih, Indrawan, Mochamad, Haryanto, Budi, Mahfud, Choirul, Sinapoy, Muhammad Sabaruddin, Djalante, Susanti, Rafliana, Irina, Gunawan, Lalu Adi, Surtiari, Gusti Ayu Ketut and Warsilah, Henny, (2020). Review and analysis of current responses to COVID-19 in Indonesia: Period of January to March 2020. Progress in Disaster Science, 6 1-9  4.16 754 532
Minh, Van Hoang, Nguyen, Phuong Thi Ngoc, Tran, Thao Thi Phuong, Dao, An Thi Minh, Nguyen, Huy Van, Djalante, Riyanti and Tran, Hanh Thi Tuyet, (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic in the ASEAN: A preliminary report on the spread, burden and medical capacities. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, 13(6), 247-251  4.15 501  
Mechler, Reinhard, Singh, Chandni, Ebi, Kristie L., Djalante, Riyanti, Thomas, Adelle, James, Rachel, Tschakert, Petra, Wewerinke-Singh, Margaretha, Schinko, Thomas, Ley, Deborah, Nalau, Johanna, Bouwer, Laurens, Huggel, Christian, Huq, Saleemul, Linnerooth-Bayer, Joanne, Surminski, Sonkja, Pinho, Patricia, Jones, Richard, Boyd, Emily and Revi, Aromar, (2020). Loss and Damage and limits to adaptation: recent IPCC insights and implications for climate science and policy. Sustainability Science, 1-7  3.69 636 263
Burch, Sarah, Gupta, Aarti, Inoue, Cristina, Kalfagianni, Agni, Persson, Asa, Gerlak, Andrea, Ishii, Atsushi, Patterson, James, Pickering, Jonathan, Scobie, Michelle, Van der Heijden, Jeroen, Vervoort, Joost, Adler, Carolina, Bloomfield, Michael, Djalante, Riyanti, Dryzek, John, Galaz, Victor, Gordon, Christopher, Harmon, Renee, Jinnah, Sikina, (2019). New directions in earth system governance research. Earth System Governance, 1-55  3.69 548  
Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove, Djalante, Riyanti, Jacob, Daniela, Taylor, Michael, Bindi, Marco, Brown, Sally, Guillén Bolaños, Tania, Camilloni, Ines, Ebi, Kristie L., Engelbrecht, Francois, Guiot, Joel, Hijioka, Yasuaki, Mehrotra, Santosh, Hope, Chris, Payne, Antony J., Pörtner, Hans-Otto, Seneviratne, Sonia, Thomas, Adelle, Warren, Rachel and Zhou, Guang-Sheng, (2019). The human imperative of stabilizing global climate change at 1.5° C. Science, 365(6459), n/a-n/a  3.69 669