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  • New Editor for IJ Intelligent Systems and Applications


    Associate Professor Edmund M-K. Lai from Massey University has been appointed as Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications. He fills the vacancy left by Professor Johan Potgieter, forced to step down by new job commitments; Professor Potgieter will remain on the IJISTA Board.

  • New Editor for IJ Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health


    Associate Prof. Kristine Lykens from the University of North Texas Health Science Center in the USA has been appointed to take over the editorship of the International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health.

  • New Editor for IJ Digital Human


    Prof. Shana Smith from National Taiwan University has been appointed to take over the editorship of the International Journal of the Digital Human.

  • Important notice for libraries ordering through Swets 2014/15


    Following the announcement that Swets & Zeitlinger Group B.V. (Swets) has been placed in administration, we would like to advise libraries not to place any orders or make any payments to Swets.

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    Our 2015 Journals Price list is now available.

    If you have already placed any subscription orders or renewals for 2015 relating to Inderscience Publishers' journals via Swets or recently remitted payment for 2014 subscriptions with them, please contact Dr Jeanette Brooks at: subs@inderscience.com

    It is particularly important that those customers who have used the Swets Consolidation service to receive their 2014 print copies contact us with their FULL address details and proof of payment, so that we may continue to fulfil their print subscriptions for the remainder of 2014.

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    Keep an eye on this News page for updates.

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  • Invitation to submit for technology-enhanced learning awards


    The editors of the International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning cordially invite you to submit expressions of interest for the FP7-funded TELL US Awards. The competition is open to both small and large enterprises, innovators, students, teachers and professors from the 28 EU Member States, and entries must be products and/or services which already exist and which have been tested and deployed in a classroom. This is a great opportunity to compete for prizes which will help you to introduce your technical ideas into classrooms all over Europe. Visit the competition website for further information.
