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Notten, Geranda and Gassmann, Franziska (2006). Size matters: Poverty reduction effects of means-tested and universal child benefits in Russia. 743  
Petrovic, Marina (2009). Social assistance, activation policy, and social exclusion: Addressing causal complexity. 400 76
Henning, Florian and Ng, Gar Yein (2009). Steering collaborative e-justice. An exploratory case study of legitimisation processes in judicial videoconferencing in the Netherlands. 565 177
Hagen-Zanker, Jessica Sabine, Siegel, Melissa and de Neubourg, Chris (2008). Strings attached: The impediments to migration. N/A. 749 215
Hagen-Zanker, Jessica Sabine and Siegel, Melissa (2007). The determinants of remittances: A review of the literature. 780  
Salanauskaite, Lina and Verbist, Gerlinde (2010). The 2004 law on allowances to children in Lithuania: What do microsimulations tell us about its distributional impacts?. Maastricht University. 455 65
Hercog, Metka and Wiesbrock, Anja (2010). The Legal Framework for Highly-Skilled Migration to the EU: EU and US Labour Migration Policies Compared. N/A. 462  
Notten, Geranda and de Neubourg, Chris (2007). The policy relevance of absolute and relative poverty headcounts: What's in a number?. Maastricht University. 500 349
Arndt, Christiane and Oman, Charles (2008). The Politics of Governance Ratings. Maastricht University. 494 1395
Tirivayi, Nyasha and Groot, Wim (2009). The welfare effects of integrating HIV/AIDS. Treatment with cash or in kind transfers. 470 213
Tomini, Florian (2010). Transferring to family and friends: A review of the motives, evidence, and the role of economics. 508 129
Wu, Treena (2007). Types of households most vulnerable to physical and economic threats: Case studies in Aceh after the tsunami. 515 243
Siegel, Melissa and Lücke, Matthias (2009). What Determines the Choice of Transfer Channel for Migrant Remittances? The Case of Moldova. Maastricht University. 680 697
Hagen-Zanker, Jessica Sabine (2008). Why do people migrate? A review of the theoretical literature. 587 687
Suddhi-Dhamakit, Kwanpadh (2010). You, me, or us? Conjugal separation and parent-child separation in family migration: A case of rural Thailand. 446 266