UNU-CPR Commentaries

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Call, Charles T., (2015). Addressing Two Problems with Peacebuilding. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 502  
Chandran, Rahul, (2016). All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter: Why a Better Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review Is Essential for Agenda 2030. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 790  
von Einsiedel, Sebastian and Salih, Cale, (2016). A New Era in US-UN Relations. Newsweek, n/a-n/a 550  
Malone, David, Mohan, C. R. and Raghavan, Srinath, (2015). A New Set of Views on Indian Foreign Policy. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 515  
de Boer, John and Muggah, Robert, (2016). Are aid agencies ready to deal with war, terrorism, and crime in cities?. Thomson Reuters Foundation, n/a-n/a 545  
Wan, Wilfred, (2015). A Report from the 2015 NPT Review Conference – Weeks 1 & 2. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 674  
Yazaki, Anthony and Mukherjee, Rohan, (2014). Bringing Tokyo closer to New Delhi. The Hindu, n/a-n/a 498  
de Boer, John, (2015). Can Cities Drive Sustainable Development in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States?. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 627  
Day, Adam and Jenny, Joëlle, (2017). Can the UN restore international peace? Maybe, but only from the ground up. The World Economic Forum, n/a-n/a 3029  
Cockayne, James and Oppermann, Julie, (2017). Can we sustain peace by fighting human trafficking in conflict? Lessons from Libya. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 2424  
Patey, Luke, Day, Adam and von Einsiedel, Sebastian, (2017). China, Japan and the Future of UN Peacekeeping. The Diplomat, n/a-n/a 1265  
Ivanovic, Alexandra, Munshey, Menaal and Bosetti, Louise, (2015). Climate Change and the City. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 498  
O'Neil, Siobhan, (2015). Disengaging Children in Violent Extremist Contexts. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 931  
Chandran, Rahul, (2016). Episode IV: A New Hope? Reforming the United Nations for Agenda 2030. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 578  
von Einsiedel, Sebastian, (2015). Further Steps Needed to Open up Secretary-General Selection Process. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 473  
Brubaker, Rebecca and Hall, Nina, (2017). Gaps in global advocacy for the protection of migrants’ rights. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a 733  
Muggah, Robert, (2016). How fragile are our cities?. The World Economic Forum, n/a-n/a 352  
Cockayne, James, (2015). How the UN Made FIFA Look Well Governed – and What the UN Can Do About It. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 720  
Cockayne, James, (2016). Is Unbridled Globalization Creating Mafia States?. The Global Observatory, n/a-n/a 567  
Chandran, Rahul, (2015). It’s Broke, So Fix It: Humanitarian Response in Crisis. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 484  
Chandran, Rahul, (2015). It’s Not There, so Build It: Pandemic Response, the UN, and the World Bank. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 536  
Cooper, Hannah, (2015). Leaving No One Behind: Addressing Gender Inequalities in Conflict. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 492  
Bosetti, Louise, (2015). Measuring Illicit Activities: Will it Be Worth the Trouble?. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 445  
Chandran, Rahul and von Einsiedel, Sebastian, (2016). New Ideas for a New Secretary-General: Fixing the UN’s Human Resources System. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 388  
Chandran, Rahul, (2016). New Ideas for a New Secretary-General: Implementing Agenda 2030 and the Question of Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 352  
Chandran, Rahul, (2016). New Ideas for a New Secretary-General: Reforming the Governance of the United Nations Development System. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 384  
Chandran, Rahul, (2016). Ours Is Not a Caravan of Despair: The World Humanitarian Summit and Beyond. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 472  
Day, Adam, (2017). 14 peacekeeper were killed in the Congo - UN response may make things worse. The Hill, n/a-n/a 629  
Bosetti, Louise, Cooper, Hannah, de Boer, John and Munshey, Menaal, (2016). Peacekeeping in Cities: Is the UN Prepared?. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, N/A-N/A 389  
Reitano, Tuesday and Shaw, Mark, (2017). People smuggling in Libya: You can’t bomb away a problem of economics. African Arguments, n/a-n/a 471  
Spink, Lauren and Day, Adam, (2017). Protecting Protection: How Antonio Guterres Should Use Funding Cuts to Reform Peacekeeping. Global Policy Operations Review, n/a-n/a 694  
Munshey, Menaal, (2016). Resilience and Security in Cities: Lessons from Karachi and Medellín. Oxford Human Rights Hub, n/a-n/a 358  
Chandran, Rahul, (2015). Saving the World Humanitarian Summit from Itself. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 480  
Wan, Wilfred, (2015). Securing the Asia Pacific: A Report from the CSCAP General Conference. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 439  
Chandran, Rahul, (2015). Six Walks in a Humanitarian Wood. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 455  
Brubaker, Rebecca, (2017). Strengthening UN Sanctions. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 544  
de Boer, John, (2014). Striving for Success: Will We Agree When It’s Achieved?. Global Think Tank Watch, n/a-n/a 339  
Day, Adam, (2017). The Best Defense Is No Offense: Why Cuts to UN Troops in Congo Could Be a Good Thing. Small Wars Journal, n/a-n/a 809  
de Boer, John, (2015). The Fragile City: The Epicentre of Extreme Vulnerability. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 403 1
Cockayne, James, (2016). The Hardest Job Interview in the World?. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 664  
von Einsiedel, Sebastian and Chandran, Rahul, (2015). The High-Level Panel and the Prospects for Reform of UN Peace Operations. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 492  
Wan, Wilfred, (2015). The Iran Agreement and the Sanctions Question. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 447  
Fantappie, Maria and Salih, Cale, (2017). The Politics of the Kurdish Independence Referendum. Foreign Affairs, n/a-n/a 332  
Bosetti, Louise, (2015). The Post-2015 Development Agenda and its Rule of Law Dilemma: A Report from the 13th UN Crime Congress. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 464  
Cockayne, James, (2016). There are 45.8 million people in slavery today. Where is the ICC?. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 596  
Medhora, Rohinton P. and de Boer, John, (2015). The rise and influence of the foreign policy think tank. OpenCanada, n/a-n/a 360  
Wan, Wilfred, (2016). The Role of Civil Society in Combating WMD Proliferation. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 370  
de Boer, John, (2015). The sustainable development fight will be won or lost in our cities. The World Economic Forum, n/a-n/a 357  
Malone, David, (2015). The Sustainable Development Goals: Gruesome Sausage-making?. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 534  
Schrader, Lee, (2017). The Ultimate Deal: US Presidents and the Allure of Peace in the Middle East. The Conversation, n/a-n/a 455