UNU-WIDER Working Papers

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Addison, Tony and Murshed, S. Mansoob (2001). Credibility and Reputation in Peacemaking. UNU-WIDER. 702  
Giné, Xavier and Klonner, Stefan (2006). Credit Constraints as a Barrier to Technology Adoption by the Poor : Lessons from South-Indian Small-Scale Fishery. UNU-WIDER. 598  
Bianchi, Milo (2009). Credit Constraints, Entrepreneurial Talent, and Economic Development. UNU-WIDER. 567  
McIntyre, Robert J. (2006). Credit Co-operatives in Locally Financed Economic Development : Using Energy Efficiency as a Lever. UNU-WIDER. 632  
Fafchamps, Marcel and Moser, Christine O. N. (2004). Crime, Isolation, and Law Enforcement. UNU-WIDER. 576  
Nayyar, Deepak (2000). Cross-Border Movements of People. UNU-WIDER. 576  
Kiiski, Sampsa and Pohjola, Matti (2001). Cross-country Diffusion of the Internet. UNU-WIDER. 601  
Krishnan, Pramila (2001). Culture and the Fertility Transition in India. UNU-WIDER. 513  
Diao, Xinshen, Thurlow, James and Zhu, Tingju (2011). Current Climate Variability and Future Climate Change : Estimated Growth and Poverty Impacts for Zambia. UNU-WIDER. 489  
Bryceson, Deborah Fahy (2010). Dar es Salaam as a 'Harbour of Peace' in East Africa : Tracing the Role of Creolized Urban Ethnicity in Nation-State Formation. UNU-WIDER. 498  
Dunaway, Steven and Reinhart, Carmen M. (1996). Dealing with Capital Inflows : Are There Any Lessons?. UNU-WIDER. 555  
Chinsinga, Blessings and Chirwa, Ephraim W. (2013). Dealing with the 2007/08 Global Food Price Crisis : the Political Economy of Food Price Policy in Malawi. UNU-WIDER. 422  
Kiringai, Jane (2002). Debt and PRSP Conditionality : The Kenya Case. UNU-WIDER. 512  
Ferrarini, Benno and Nissanke, Machiko (2001). Debt Dynamics and Contingency Financing : Theoretical Reappraisal of the HIPC Initiative. UNU-WIDER. 652  
Geda, Alemayehu (2002). Debt Issues in Africa : Thinking beyond the HIPC Initiative to Solving Structural Problems. UNU-WIDER. 500  
Chakravarty, Sukhamoy, Jayawardena, Lal, Yoshitomi, Masaru, Sachs, Jeffrey D., Witteveen, Johannes, Barre, Raymond, Bresser-Pereira, Luiz Carlos, Leutwiler, Fritz, Obasanjo, Olusegun, Roosa, Robert V. and Solow, Robert M. (1989). Debt Reduction. UNU-WIDER. 273  
European Network on Development, (2001). Debt Reduction for Poverty Eradication in the Least Developed Countries : Analysis and Recommendations on LDC Debt. UNU-WIDER. 488  
Addison, Tony and Murshed, S. Mansoob (2001). Debt Relief and Civil War. UNU-WIDER. 626  
Bigsten, Arne, Levin, Jörgen and Persson, Håkan (2001). Debt Relief and Growth : A Study of Zambia and Tanzania. UNU-WIDER. 638  
Kimalu, Paul Kieti (2002). Debt Relief and Health Care in Kenya. UNU-WIDER. 502  
Hjertholm, Peter (2001). Debt Relief and the Rule of Thumb : Analytical History of HIPC Debt Sustainability Targets. UNU-WIDER. 521  
Dabla-Norris, Era, Wade, Paul and Matoovu, John M. (2002). Debt Relief, Demand for Education, and Poverty. UNU-WIDER. 587  
Raffer, Kunibert (2001). Debt Relief for Low-Income Countries : Arbitration as the Alternative to Present, Unsuccessful Debt Strategies. UNU-WIDER. 508  
Abrego, Lisandro and Ross, Doris C. (2002). Debt Relief under the HIPC Initiative : Context and Outlook for Debt Sustainability and Resource Flows. UNU-WIDER. 524  
Abrego, Lisandro and Ross, Doris C. (2001). Debt Relief Under the HIPC Initiative : Context and Outlook for Debt Sustainability and Resource Flows. UNU-WIDER. 528  
Ugaz, Cecilia (1997). Decentralization and the Provision and Financing of Social Services : Concepts and Issues. UNU-WIDER. 592  
Golola, Moses L. (2001). Decentralization, Local Bureaucracies and Service Delivery in Uganda. UNU-WIDER. 524  
Mitullah, Winnie V. (2012). Decentralized Service Delivery in Nairobi and Mombasa. UNU-WIDER. 440  
Fan, Gang and Woo, Wing Thye (1993). Decentralized Socialism and Macroeconomic Stability : Lessons from China. UNU-WIDER. 680  
Epstein, Gil S. and Gang, Ira N. (2006). Decentralizing Aid with Interested Parties. UNU-WIDER. 586  
Trebilcock, Anne (2005). Decent Work and the Informal Economy. UNU-WIDER. 619  
Haaparanta, Pertti and Virta, Heli (2006). Decomposing Growth: Do Low-Income and HIPCs Differ from High-Income Countries? : Growth, Technological Catch-up, Technological Change and Human and Physical Capital Deepening. UNU-WIDER. 440  
Dhongde, Shatakshee (2004). Decomposing Spatial Differences in Poverty in India. UNU-WIDER. 530  
Kakwani, Nanak (1986). Decomposition of Normalization Axiom in the Measurement of Poverty : A Comment. UNU-WIDER. 226  
Tripp, Aili Mari (1989). Defending the Right to Subsist the State vs. the Urban Informal Economy in Tanzania. UNU-WIDER. 150  
Al-Iryani, Lamis, de Janvry, Alain and Sadoulet, Elisabeth (2013). Delivering Good Aid in Hard Places : the Yemen Social Fund for Development Approach. UNU-WIDER. 426  
Ayalew, Daniel Ali, Dercon, Stefan and Krishnan, Pramila (1999). Demobilization, Land and Household Livelihoods : Lessons from Ethiopia. UNU-WIDER. 503  
Dodd, Randall (2002). Derivatives, the Shape of International Capital Flows and the Virtues of Prudential Regulation. UNU-WIDER. 530  
Erikson, Robert (1989). Descriptions of Inequality : the Swedish Approach to Welfare Research. UNU-WIDER. 249  
McGillivray, Mark (2003). Descriptive and Prescriptive Analyses of Aid Allocation : Approaches, Issues and Consequences. UNU-WIDER. 603  
Avanzini, Diego Bernardo (2009). Designing Composite Entrepreneurship Indicators : An Application Using Consensus PCA. UNU-WIDER. 533  
Moghadam, Valentine M. (1990). Determinants of Female Labor Force Participation in the Middle East and North Africa. UNU-WIDER. 200  
Asiedu, Elizabeth, Nanivazo, Malokele and Nkusu, Mwanza (2013). Determinants of Foreign Aid in Family Planning : How Relevant is the Mexico City Policy?. UNU-WIDER. 407  
Odedokun, Matthew and Round, Jeffery I. (2001). Determinants of Income Inequality and its Effects on Economic Growth : Evidence from African Countries. UNU-WIDER. 613  
Na-Allah, Abdelrasaq (2011). Determinants of Industrial Embeddedness : Evidence from African Manufacturing Firms. UNU-WIDER. 360  
Carment, David, Prest, Stewart and Samy, Yiagadeesen (2008). Determinants of State Fragility and Implications for Aid Allocation : An Assessment Based on the Country Indicators for Foreign Policy Project. UNU-WIDER. 435  
Haveman, Jon D. and Shatz, Howard J. (2003). Developed Country Trade Barriers and the Least Developed Countries : The Economic Results of Freeing Trade. UNU-WIDER. 498  
Basanya, Rilwan, Janowski, Tomasz, Ojo, Adegboyega and Reed, Mike (2008). Developing and Harnessing Software Technology in the South : The Roles of China, India, Brazil, and South Africa. UNU-WIDER. 493  
Hoekman, Bernard (2002). Developing Countries and the Political Economy of the Trading System. UNU-WIDER. 483  
Kapur, Sandeep (2002). Developing Countries in the New Economy : The Role of Demand-side Initiatives. UNU-WIDER. 523